Nausea after tuna salad 4 people hospitalized

For four employees of a company in Munich, the lunch break ended in the hospital. After eating a tuna salad, they complained of racing heartbeat, nausea and abdominal pain and had to be taken to a clinic with the ambulance. There the diagnosis histamine poisoning was made.
After eating tuna salad to the hospital
Four employees of a company in Munich had to be taken to hospital after having eaten tuna salad in a restaurant during their lunch break. According to "" the four people were so bad shortly after eating the meal that the ambulance had to be notified. All four were then taken to a clinic. There, the doctors diagnosed symptoms of histamine poisoning. According to the data, patients complained of palpitations, nausea and abdominal pain and allergic reactions in the form of redness and rashes. However, after the initial medical care, they were quickly released.

Mature fish with higher histamine content
Histamine is a natural product that plays an important role in allergic reactions in humans and is involved in the immune system. The substance is contained in different foods in different amounts. Fresh fish is considered Histaminarm. Older fish, smoked, marinated or salted, in contrast, has an increased histamine content. In people with histamine intolerance, the ratio between accumulating histamine and its degradation is disturbed. Typical is a rapid reaction in the form of complaints, such as diarrhea, rash or stomach cramps. Especially with the help of the diarrhea, the body wants to try to get rid of the histamine as soon as possible.
Cause could be spoiled tuna
The Munich patients could be considered to be spoiled tuna. It is said that the police have secured samples which are handed over to the food control authorities of the City of Munich and submitted to the State Office for Health and Food Safety for examination. The departmental commissariat of the Police Headquarters Munich has taken over the investigation. (Ad)