Nausea after mushroom eating? Alert doctor immediately!

Nausea after mushroom eating? Alert the doctor immediately!
Due to the weather mushrooms thrive in Germany this year magnificent. Not only the number of mushroom pickers has increased in this country, but also the mushroom poisoning. This can severely damage the liver and kidneys. Experts advise alerting a doctor immediately if there is evidence of poisoning.
In case of signs of poisoning call the emergency doctor immediately
The weather was fine with the mushrooms this year. The season has started much earlier than in previous years and numerous mushroom pickers called on the scene. But beware: At the moment, poisoning by fungi is increasing again. Toxic mushrooms can not only damage the liver and kidneys, but in the worst case even lead to death. So, if you suffer from signs of possible poisoning after a mushroom meal, such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, you should immediately call the emergency doctor (112) or the poison emergency call.
Drink plenty of water
In case of suspected poisoning, a lot of water should be drunk. However, according to experts, milk is not advisable. It is also denied to take medication on their own. If those affected are already unconscious, they must be placed in a stable lateral position. If any remains of the consumed mushrooms are present, they should be taken to the doctor or clinic so that it can be determined which fungi are involved and thus how the patient can be treated accordingly.
Symptoms sometimes do not occur until 24 hours later
In some cases, the symptoms only appear one to two hours after the meal, but it can take much longer. „Sometimes it's 24 hours. That's not what people associate with mushrooms“, explained Dagmar Eckart of the Mainz Poison Control Center to the news agency dpa. In order not to let it come to a mushroom poisoning, mushroom seekers are recommended "to have their finds examined by experts before they are consumed". On the homepage of the German Society of Mycology (DGfM) a list of such experts is published, "usually working for free or for a small fee". (Ad)