Tummy ache When the intestine is constantly on strike

Tummy ache When the intestine is constantly on strike / Health News
Quick help with constipation
According to statistics, about every fifth person in Germany is regularly constipated. In particular, the up to seven-meter-long intestine refuses to work on many people due to the strange environment and unfamiliar food. However, if digestion fails for a prolonged period of service, it creates a high level of suffering for those affected. Prof. (University of Chisinau) Dr. Stefan Hillejan, phlebologist and proctologist from the Clinic for Venous and Diseases of the Thoracic Diseases in Hanover and chairman of the professional association of qualified medical experts in Germany, explains how indigestion can be felt and what best alleviates the symptoms.

Recognize intestinal diseases
Normally, the digestive system is emptied about three times a week. If, for once, the frequency decreases, there is no cause for concern. Experts talk about chronic constipation, if you have several of the following symptoms over a three-month period: If your bowel movements are regularly delayed by four days or more, it may indicate a bowel function disorder. Although the toilet is regular, but sufferers have to press hard to achieve results, doctors speak of a disturbed digestion.

The intestine is the most important part of the digestive tract. It is divided into the two sections of small and large intestine and can be up to eight meters long in adults. (Image: ALDECAstudio / fotolia.com)

Some patients also have a permanent feeling of incomplete evacuation. "If the above symptoms are accompanied by severe pain, a swollen stomach, fever or nausea, sufferers should consult a doctor immediately to rule out intestinal obstruction," warns Prof. Hillejan. There are many causes of constipation. They range from unhealthy diets over stress or hypothyroidism to various diseases of the intestine. The therapies for relieving the symptoms are correspondingly different.

Stimulate digestion
First, doctors recommend those affected to change their diet. This requires adequate hydration, which ensures that the intestinal contents remain soft. Fiber also supports digestion positively. These are found, for example, in whole grains, nuts and many fruits and vegetables. "These beneficial sources and bulking agents have a positive effect on the gut, as they are not digested and bind much water. This increases the volume of the stool, which in turn stimulates intestinal activity and ensures a faster passage of food, "explains Prof. Hillejan.

Tummy massages in the clockwise direction increase the activity of the digestive system. Anyone who suffers from ailments that are psychologically conditioned, tries it with a so-called toilet conditioning. Patients take meals daily at the same time and also schedule times for possible defecation. Because a regular daily routine has a positive effect on the intestine.

A stomach massage sometimes works wonders and helps to relieve the bloating stomach. Picture: Swifter - fotolia

If these changes do not help, laxatives offer an alternative. Many laxative drugs increase the volume of the stool through swelling, which stimulates intestinal activity and leads to faster emptying. According to the current state of knowledge modern laxatives do not depend, but a doctor should be consulted before their use. If necessary, a colonoscopy will answer the question of whether constipation is caused by physical causes such as adhesions, constrictions or polyps of the intestine. These can be repaired operationally. "In case of signs that indicate a chronic constipation, sufferers should discuss the treatment in any case with the proctologist of their trust," the expert concludes. (Sb)