Tummy-ache in children From when to the doctor?

Tummy-ache in children From when to the doctor? / Health News

Tummy-ache in children: In case of persistent pain to the doctor


When children suffer from abdominal pain, there are often no organic disorders or illnesses behind them, but often anxiety, anger or stress trigger the symptoms. If the tummy-ache persists for the little ones, parents should visit a doctor with their offspring.

With persistent pain to the doctor
Abdominal pain in children is common. Often it is not organic disorders or illnesses that trigger the symptoms, but anxiety, anger or stress. If the tummy-ache persists or even gets worse with the little ones, parents should go to the doctor with their offspring. This writes the „Aachen newspaper“ online in a recent article. The sheet refers to the website www.kinderaerzte-im-netz.de.

Diseases such as appendicitis need to be treated quickly
Other alarm signals that alert parents are facial blanching, fever, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms may indicate, for example, an appendicitis or appendicitis, an intestinal obstruction or inguinal hernia. According to the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) such diseases must be treated as quickly as possible.

How certain diseases are detected
It is said that an appendicitis is manifested by an increasing persistent pain that gradually shifts to the right lower abdomen. The child has a fever. In an intestinal obstruction, the abdominal wall is said to be very hard and the child vomits. According to the BVKJ, a hernia can be recognized by the fact that there is a bulge in the groin area that is about the size of a hazelnut or even larger.

Parents should take symptoms seriously
But even if no organic causes for the abdominal pain are found, that does not mean that the children do not suffer. Parents should always pay attention to their offspring and not simply dismiss the symptoms. Especially when anxiety, stress or anger are the triggers, relaxation exercises to reduce stress, emotional attention or just rest and sleep can be the first steps towards recovery. In some cases it is advisable to consult a licensed child and adolescent psychotherapist. (Ad)

Picture: Alexandra H.