
baunscheidtism / Naturopathy

Carl Baunscheidt (1809-1873), the inventor of the breastmilk pump, discovered at the age of 36, an interesting phenomenon. He suffered from joint problems of the hands. When he fell asleep in his garden in the summer of 1848, mosquitoes that were particularly stingy drove their mischief. They stabbed Baunscheidt countless times in his aching hands. When he awoke, he made an extraordinary statement: The mosquito bites were gone as the pain.

The family chronicle of the Baunscheidts reports that Carl Baunscheidt had contact with a missionary from China at that time. This missionary had already told him about the successes of Chinese acupuncture. From this observation, he developed his famous "life alarm clock" for creating artificial mosquito bites. The "Acupuncture" of the West was born. By the end of the 19th century the Baunscheidtismus was widespread. The simple man as well as Napoleon III. Belonged to the enthusiastic supporters of the healing method.

Mosquito bites brought Bauscheidt to the idea of ​​developing his therapy. Image: auimeesri /

His advocates eventually used the needle apparatus to treat any disease. Unfortunately not without consequences! For a therapy that claims to be a "panacea" becomes untrustworthy. Thus, the Baunscheidt therapy was forgotten, because reputable practitioners would not use them anymore.

It was not until 1928 that Dr. med. Bernhard Aschner again the Baunscheidt therapy in his "textbook of constitutional therapy". Now the method was used a little more frequently. Today, Baunscheidtism has receded into the background through traditional Chinese medicine and neural therapy. This book will introduce you to the basics of Baunscheidt therapy. This allows you to assess the benefit and value of this simple and effective treatment method yourself and use it specifically for your patients.

I do not want to deprive Carl Baunscheidt's most famous quotation of my readers: "If I were thrown to a strange shores, poor and naked, as shipwrecked, I would find friends everywhere in my healing process."

Carl Baunscheidt published his book in 1851. Science, medicine and research have continued to evolve. The basic idea of ​​the Baunscheidtismus but has today for the benefit of the patients an important role in natural medicine. (Heinz Kropmanns, alternative practitioner and president of the Association of German Holistic Practitioners e.V.)

Image: User: Schorle, Wikipedia