Babies endangered by nicotine clothing

Babies endangered by nicotine clothing / Health News

Babies endangered by nicotine clothing. Infants and babies are severely endangered by nicotine residues on their parents' clothing. Even if parents do not smoke in the apartment, but go to the outdoors, nicotine remains on the clothes. That's what a study by the Institute for Hygiene and Biotechnology found out.

(25.09.2010) Parents who smoke and go to the outside, nevertheless endanger the health of their children. According to a study by the Institute for Hygiene and Biotechnology (IHB) at the Hohenstein Institutes in Bönnigheim near Stuttgart, the nicotine-contaminated clothing of the parents releases numerous pollutants to the babies. For example, when parents hug their child, the pollutants enter the child's organism through the skin. According to the study, the neurotoxin is absorbed by the skin sweat and enters the circulation of the child. Other studies have come to identical conclusions regarding the skin of adults.

In this context, physicians speak of third-party smoking ("third hand smoke"), a special form of "smoking" „passive smoking“. This is 70% of cigarette smoke that is not transmitted to other people through smoking or passive inhalation of the pollutants. The smoke is also deposited on clothing, upholstery, walls, curtains and other surfaces.

The best and healthiest thing for parents and children is for adults to quit smoking. Numerous diseases such as cardiovascular complaints and cancer are triggered by smoking or secondhand smoke. If parents can not stop smoking, at least the clothes should be changed after consumption. (Sb)

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