Promote babies with interactive discussions of the parents

Promote babies with interactive discussions of the parents / Health News
Conversations with babies are important for mental development
Babies can already "listen in" in the womb. However, they only recognize the importance of language when they are in the world for a few months. Nevertheless, it is important to talk to the infants from the beginning and to pay attention to them. The little ones benefit enormously from the interactive engagement of their parents.

Talk to the offspring and interact
Most couples who have become parents for the first time, especially in the first few weeks, want to concentrate fully on the baby and do not do anything wrong. As a rule, it is known that the offspring should not be constantly addressed with "tens of dozens" or something similar. Because babies are dumb by baby talk. In addition, very early interaction with the little ones is important.

Parents who react to their baby and their sounds promote the learning processes of the offspring. This interactive engagement is very important to the child's mental development. (Image:

Particularly sensitive learning phase
As the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) writes on its website "", is until the age of three years, a particularly sensitive learning phase. The little ones absorb everything like a "sponge". Parents who react to their baby and their sounds promote the learning processes of the offspring. According to the experts, this interactive engagement is such as nutrition for his spiritual development, for language acquisition and even an important basis for the later school readiness and for the social and emotional well-being of the child.

Many children do not receive appropriate attention
However, in a recent study, US scientists came to the conclusion that many children do not receive this attention. In the journal "JAMA Pediatrics", the researchers reported on their investigation. According to the Internet portal "MedicalXpress", children from low-income families hear an average of 30 million fewer words and, as three-year-olds, less than half the vocabulary of peers from high-income families has acquired.

Tips for parents
According to the scientists, not only the number of words influences the development, but also the quality of the interactions is very important. The experts give parents tips on how to support their offspring according to their development phase during the first three years:

Overly clear sounds and exaggerated facial expressions
By the age of half a year, effective communication consists of an attentive attention that consists of over-clear sounds and exaggerated facial expressions. Parents who are pleased to respond to the babbling of their child, create the basis for language acquisition, for a reliable bond, the children in the further life security.

The number of words children understand is growing rapidly. For example, some may point to their noses at six months before they can pronounce the word. Babies learn best from social interactions with their caregivers who focus on the everyday. Showing and gestures aid understanding in this six to eighteen month learning phase.

18 to 36 months
At the age of one and a half to three years, with increasing verbal and cognitive abilities, parents can begin to ask questions: "what-" and "who" questions, provide variety in conversation, and use more as well as different words.

Clear answers with explanations
When the children are 36 months and older, they learn the most from conversations about the past and the future. Then a child's narrative skills begin to unfold. Parents can ask their offspring what happened, and what happened first, what later. In addition, they can challenge the kids at this age with "why" and "how" questions. If children ask them such questions, they should always try to give clear answers with explanations. (Ad)