Carry babies to the body when cold

Carry babies to the body when cold / Health News

Carry babies to the body when cold


In freezing temperatures, babies should be worn on the body. Stroller and infant carrier do not provide sufficient protection from the cold, so that the baby can cool down easily. The German Red Cross (DRK) advises therefore to towels and other carrying device for children.

Baby can cool off easily
According to the DRK, body heat is the best protection for babies against the cold. For example, very small children can be tied with a cloth in front of their bellies. The own jacket can still be pulled over and buttoned. Similarly, baby carrier backpacks are used

If the children are a bit older, they should wear warm clothes and a hat, because the usually thin hair of the little ones does not provide sufficient protection, so that the children lose a lot of heat over their heads. The DRC also advises warming scarves, which are pulled up to the eyes. They provide protection for the sensitive cheeks and nose.

React quickly if hypothermia occurs
If a child shows signs of hypothermia, such as tremors, bluish lips, and paleness, it should be treated quickly. The DRC recommends that the child be brought to a normally warm room as quickly as possible and wrapped in a warm blanket. In addition, a glass of warm but not hot water can help.

In severe hypothermia, such as after a fall into the ice-cold water or a break in the ice, medical help should be called immediately. If the body temperature falls below 28 degrees Celsius, the person loses consciousness. This is followed by respiratory and circulatory arrest as well as cardiac arrhythmia. Hypothermia can in the worst case lead to death. (Ag)

Picture: Helene Souza