Babies breathe in crawling large quantities of dirt, skin cells and Co. a

Babies breathe in crawling large quantities of dirt, skin cells and Co. a / Health News

Babies whirl up large amounts of dust while crawling - and inhale it

When babies crawl, they expose large amounts of dirt, skin cells, bacteria, pollen and fungal spores to the movements - and inhale these substances as well. This has been shown in a recent study by American scientists. However, the researchers point out that this is not necessarily a disadvantage.

Babies breathe in high concentrations of dirt while crawling

Babies, when crawling over soils - especially over carpets - stir up high concentrations of dirt, skin cells, bacteria, pollen, and fungal spores. The little ones also inhale these substances, according to a recent study by researchers at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. As alarming as it sounds, according to the study leader, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

Babies, when crawling over soils - especially over carpets - stir up and inhale high concentrations of dirt, skin cells, bacteria, pollen and fungal spores. But that's not so bad. (Image: Oksana Kuzmina /

Reduce risk of asthma and allergic diseases

While crawling, the babies inhale a dose of dust into their lungs that is four times (per kilogram of body mass) higher than that of an adult walking upright on the same floor, but the researchers see no cause for concern.

"We're interested in the biological material that a baby inhales, especially during their first year as they crawl," study leader Brandon Boor said in a statement from the university.

According to the expert, numerous studies have shown that inhaling "microbes and allergy-bearing particles in this part of life can play a significant role in reducing the risk of developing asthma and allergic diseases".

The results of the current study were published in the journal "Environmental Science & Technology".

Small children breathe more often through the mouth

To investigate how much ground waste the babies breathe in, the research team built a robot crawling baby and tested it on actual carpet samples they had removed from their homes.

Then the researchers measured and analyzed the particles in the respiratory zone.

"We used state-of-the-art aerosol instruments to track the airborne biological particles in real time in seconds. The instrument uses lasers to fluoresce biological material, "explained Boor.

"Most bacterial cells, fungal spores and pollen particles are fluorescent, so they can be reliably distinguished from non-biological material in the air."

The expert also explained why babies inhale so much more dust into their lungs. "In adults, a significant portion of the biological particles in the upper respiratory tract, nostrils and throat are removed. But very young children breathe more frequently through the mouth, "which is why a significant proportion of the particles end up in the lower respiratory tract.

To clean environment can endanger the health

The scientists point out in their communication that experts assumed decades ago that too clean an environment can suppress the development of the immune system.

Accordingly, allergologists sometimes refer to this as "the agricultural effect". Finally, studies have shown that stall dust can protect us from allergies and asthma.

"In western societies, infants spend most of the time in confined spaces, where indoor dust-raising can significantly contribute to their breathing with biological material," the statement said. (Ad)