Baby porridge from the jar often better choice

Baby porridge from the jar is often the better choice
Although home-cooked baby porridge often tastes better, it's not always the better option. In the production of baby porridge from the glass particularly strict requirements must be met, so that the products from the supermarket in terms of purity often have the advantage.
Baby porridge from the glass is subject to strict guidelines
Annett Hilbig of the Research Institute for Child Nutrition advises parents to baby porridge from the glass, because this often contains less pollutants than even boiled. „With glasses you have a very high level of safety with regard to pollutants ", reports the expert. „You do not even have that with organic products. "Because ready-made products for babies are subject to particularly stringent guidelines and quality controls, even stricter criteria apply to production than to certified organic organic vegetables from the East.
But cooked food also has advantages. „The homemade mashes taste better, and one is freer in the selection and composition of the ingredients. "Hilbig says that they are harmless to the child even if they are not made from organic products. „It is best to use regional foods, as they are less burdened by the shorter transport route, according to the expert.
For self-cooked baby porridge on beetroot and spinach
Parents could also use ingredients from the freezer. Only products that are made from pure vegetables and do not contain any sauces or fats should be selected. Spinach and beetroot should not migrate into the saucepan at the beginning because they have high nitrate contents. „Heating and standing for long periods of time can produce nitrite, which can affect the child's oxygenation, "says Hilbig, adding that fruit has parents free choice, and some varieties are more difficult to prepare than others. „For example, oranges can not be mashed so well. Of course it is easier with bananas, or apples and pears, which you can grate well. "Peaches and berries, for example, are also very good.
Between the fifth and the seventh month, the expert advises on a vegetable-potato-meat-porridge. That's a good start. Later, ingredients such as milk and cereals are also suitable. In principle, when preparing baby porridge, care should be taken that spices are not used at all or only in very small quantities. Salt, pepper and hot spices should definitely be avoided. Parsley, basil or oregano were long suspected to trigger allergies. In the meantime, however, they are considered harmless.
From baby to family food
After the mash phase, the child should receive mixed diet. The Research Institute for Child Nutrition offers under the name „Optimix“ Nutrition recommendation of optimized mixed food as a booklet. However, the guide can only serve as a guide after switching to solid food. For the transition from porridge to „family fare“ For example, the experts suggest instead of the previous vegetable-potato-meat-pulp for lunch from solid food, which may consist of vegetables, potatoes, rice or pasta with a little meat. According to this principle, the change from the morning milk-cereal porridge and the evening milk meals in breakfast and dinner can be made from milk, bread or cereal flakes, as well as fruit and raw food, say the experts of the research institute. (Ag)
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Image: Lisa Black