baby food

Baby porridge is a food specially adapted to the needs of babies, which can initially be used concomitantly for breastfeeding and finally as a substitute for it. The porridge meals are practically used in the transition phase from breastfeeding to normal nutrition. The baby porridge can be made by yourself, but is also available as a finished product. According to the
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on its portal "Healthy into life" should be replaced at the earliest from the beginning of the fifth month of life and at the latest at the beginning of the seventh month of life, the milk meals of babies gradually by bread meals, the so-called complementary food. (Fp) Baby porridge from organic products is not always better Babies from the 5th month slowly get used to Beikost02.05.2013zeit for porridge: From the beginning of the 5th month should, according to a recommendation of the Netwerks „Healthy… More key ingredients in baby porridge important Parents should pay particular attention to the main ingredients in the baby porridge02.01.2013First from the fifth month of life, at the latest with the beginning d ... More baby porridge from the jar often better choice Baby porridge from the jar is often the better choice 01.09.2012Self-cooked baby porridge tastes often better, but is not in any case the most ... More Which baby porridge is the right one? Question of principle in Babybrei: Even cooked or out of the glass? 31.08.2012 As soon as children change from mother's milk or bottle milk to porridge ... More Milupa recalls evening porridge cereal banana Information for families and parents: Milupa calls „Evening porridge cereal banana - after the 4th month“ back04.01.2012The baby food co ... More
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture on its portal "Healthy into life" should be replaced at the earliest from the beginning of the fifth month of life and at the latest at the beginning of the seventh month of life, the milk meals of babies gradually by bread meals, the so-called complementary food. (Fp) Baby porridge from organic products is not always better Babies from the 5th month slowly get used to Beikost02.05.2013zeit for porridge: From the beginning of the 5th month should, according to a recommendation of the Netwerks „Healthy… More key ingredients in baby porridge important Parents should pay particular attention to the main ingredients in the baby porridge02.01.2013First from the fifth month of life, at the latest with the beginning d ... More baby porridge from the jar often better choice Baby porridge from the jar is often the better choice 01.09.2012Self-cooked baby porridge tastes often better, but is not in any case the most ... More Which baby porridge is the right one? Question of principle in Babybrei: Even cooked or out of the glass? 31.08.2012 As soon as children change from mother's milk or bottle milk to porridge ... More Milupa recalls evening porridge cereal banana Information for families and parents: Milupa calls „Evening porridge cereal banana - after the 4th month“ back04.01.2012The baby food co ... More
(Photo 1: Reicher /