Baby porridge from organic products is not always better

Baby porridge from organic products is not always better / Health News

Babies from the 5th month slowly get used to complementary foods


Time for porridge: From the beginning of the 5th month should, according to a recommendation of the network „Healthy in life“ The milk meals in babies are gradually replaced by bread meals - the so-called complementary food. Whether the porridge itself is prepared or bought, according to the network funded by the Federal Ministry of Nutrition, is not decisive, because both complementary foods would supply the baby with all the important nutrients.

Own production of porridge cheap and uncomplicated
If you would like to cook the porridge yourself, you only need to buy a few groceries and can decide freely on the selection and the number of ingredients compared to industrially produced complementary foods. According to Prof. Michael Krawinkel, pediatrician in the network Healthy in life, it is not absolutely necessary to use only organic products, instead could be processed without further conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, as the expert told the news agency dpa explained.

Organic products ideal, but not a prerequisite for a healthy diet
Nevertheless, according to Krawinkel, organically grown foods have some advantages compared to conventional products, as they are less contaminated with residues due to their sustainable and environmentally friendly production and careful processing and usually contain more nutrients. Accordingly, according to information Krawinkels „particularly suitable for the preparation of baby porridge organic food“, Nevertheless, this is not for parents „Got to“, to ensure a healthy and balanced diet. Even conventionally produced foods would be subject to strict controls and especially with fruits and vegetables, the nutrient content would be just as high as with corresponding organic products.

Baby slowly get used to porridge
When it is time for the introduction of complementary foods, parents should recommend their baby according to the recommendation of
„Healthy in life“ slowly into „Food Neuland“ introduce, because „it takes awhile to get used to the new food and to change its digestion“. Therefore, the child should be allowed enough time by replacing one milk meal after the other with a porridge month by month, and introducing the ingredients one at a time. According to the network, the breadmeals should start at the earliest with the beginning of the 5th month and at the latest with the beginning of the 7th month of life. (No)