Baby cow milk allergy even when breastfeeding possible

Baby cow milk allergy even when breastfeeding possible / Health News

Even fully breastfed babies can suffer from cow's milk intolerance


Even babies who are breast-fed can have symptoms of cow's milk allergy. This happens when the breastfeeding mother drinks cows' milk herself, as the pediatrician, Dr. med. med. Claudia Saadi opposite the magazine „Baby and family“ explained.

Milk allergy is one of the most common allergic reactions to food. In principle, it is to be distinguished from lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance). The symptoms of cow's milk intolerance can be very diverse and different in their expression. Most patients suffer from abdominal pain, skin reactions such as wheals or swelling, cough, bloating, tiredness, difficulty falling asleep, diarrhea or constipation. Since the listed symptoms can also point to other diseases, it is sometimes difficult for parents to recognize a cow's milk allergy in good time. Around six percent of infants in Germany are affected.

Avoiding cow's milk and improving symptoms indicates cow's milk allergy
Breastfeeding babies who are suffering from cow's milk allergy and mothers drinking milk during this time may experience symptoms of intolerance, such as the pediatrician Dr. med. Claudia Saadi in the pharmacy magazine "Baby and Family" reports. Because the ingredients of cow's milk can pass into the breast milk and thus cause symptoms in the child. An indication of this is blood in the stool because the baby often develops a rectal inflammation. "It is usually a temporary problem," explains the doctor. Until school age, the symptoms go by for most children.

For example, to find out if the discomfort is caused by animal milk, medics recommend stopping the consumption of milk for two to four weeks. If the child has fewer complaints, a probable diagnosis can be assumed. To be sure, more research will follow. The further procedure should discuss parents with their pediatrician. It is important that a cow's milk allergy is detected quickly so that the baby is free of complaints. (Sb)

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Picture: Manuel Bendig