Ophthalmologists warn of significantly increasing myopia over smartphones

For many people, the smartphone from everyday life has long since become indispensable. Even though the devices make life easier in many areas, intensive use also poses health risks. Among other things, myopia in the population increases. Doctors should be more aware of the potential dangers.
Draw attention to potential health hazards
Chat with friends, surf the Internet, play games, shop or even search for the partner for life: The use of smartphones and tablets is increasing. Unfortunately that does not remain without health consequences. For example, there is an increase in myopia in the population, which is attributed by experts to the intensive use of smartphones. Physicians should therefore make more aware of the potential health hazards.

Effects of intensive use of smartphones
The intensive use of smartphones and tablets often not only changes social behavior, but can also bring with it health problems. Studies have shown that frequent use of such devices in children and adolescents can reduce sleep quality.
In addition, experts have long been pointing to the potential postural damage due to intensive smartphone use.
"When used intensively, static posture, frequent repeats of movement and high muscle activity can occur, which can burden the musculoskeletal system," states a statement by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)..
The consequences may include inflamed palpitations and neck tension.
The effects on the eyes can be serious.
More and more people are short-sighted
An international research team recently reported that about half of the world's population will be short-sighted by 2050.
The number of short-sighted people in Germany is already very high. According to a study by the University of Mainz, more than half of high school graduates and university graduates suffer from nearsightedness (myopia), the news agency dpa reports.
"This will continue to increase," warned the Director of the Eye Clinic of Unimedizin Rostock, Anselm Jünemann, who considers the long-term use of smartphones in children and adolescents, and thus far too little time outdoors and in the daylight, as one of the main reasons.
A new widespread disease threatens
Short-sighted people perceive distant objects as out of focus. According to Jünemann, permanent close work is responsible for myopia. Due to the constant companion smartphone, the effects would be significantly worse. "We ophthalmologists should refer more clearly than before position," said the expert, according to dpa.
According to the information, about five percent of the German population currently has a value of more than minus six diopters, one to two percent would be normal.
The eye gets the signal to grow when constantly looking at nearby objects. "Growth is irreversible," said the physician. The higher the diopter, the longer the eyeball. "It's like a balloon. The more it gets inflated, the thinner it gets. "
This in turn leads to poor circulation and degeneration of the retina. It threatens a new widespread disease.
The Professional Association of Ophthalmologists bears the assessment of Jünemann. The influence of the physicians are ultimately but low, as the association spokesman Georg Eckert said dpa. "A gradual change of consciousness must take place."
However, Jünemann is skeptical about the spread of smartphones. He points to the obesity (adiposity), in which all connections are known, but the number of those affected nonetheless incessantly.
Therapy approaches from Asian countries
High-sighted people are excluded from some occupations. This regulation also has its justification, or "Would you like to fly with a half-blind pilot?" Asks Jünemann provocatively.
For him, limiting the choice of career is the lever to change the trend. "Children understand a lot when they explain it." How the vision develops in today's defective eyesight with prolonged stress, is still completely unclear today.
Perhaps in the future, therapeutic approaches from Asian countries could help, which suffer even more from the defective vision of the residents. There, some sufferers drip a 0.01 percent Belladonna solution into the eyes. "It works, we just do not know how."
However, US drug agencies have recently warned against the risk of homeopathic preparations based on Belladonna (Black Belladonna). The warning referred to homeopathic dentifrices that can have life-threatening consequences in young children.
Experts advise shortsighted people to basically do something, because myopia is also considered a risk factor for other eye conditions such as cataracts or retinal detachment. Which treatment makes sense should be clarified best with the ophthalmologist. (Ad)