For the first time, ophthalmologists were able to remedy a high ametropia of 40 diopters of cylinder value

Defective vision can take on extreme proportions in individual patients and bring about significant impairment in everyday life. In the Mainz University Medical Center, specialists have now achieved a successful therapy with an artificial lens for the first time in a patient with a visual defect of 40 diopters.
The doctors implanted the patient with the world's strongest lens to correct an extreme vision defect, according to the announcement of the University Medical Center Mainz. The specially designed lens for the patient achieved a cylinder correction of 40 dioptres. With the help of the special lenses can also fix an extreme ametropia, which used to be considered non-therapy-saving.

Worldwide unique intervention
Surgeries on the eye, where a cloudy natural lens is replaced by an artificial intraocular lens, according to the doctors are now a routine performance. However, the implantation of a lens specially designed for the patient with a cylinder correction of 40 dioptres forms a globally unique event. This procedure was carried out in Mainz by the head of the Refractive Surgery specialist division there. med. Urs Voßmerbäumer. The expert implanted the unique lens in a 76-year-old, severely visually impaired patient, who was suffering from a very advanced cataract and also had extreme astigmatism.
Standard lenses suitable for up to 12 dioptres
Only one month after the operation, the patient's prescription on the operated eye was already around 35 percent of normal vision, according to the announcement of the Mainz University Medical Center. The calculation of this personalized medical device and its implantation was, however, an enormous challenge and represented an outstanding medical services. By means of the implantation of a specially made intraocular lens Dr. med. Vossmerbäumer corrected the astigmatism of 40 diopters. Typically, the limit for mass-produced lenses is 12 diopters.
Extreme challenge in design and implantation
The correction of such an extreme visual impairment was in many ways a challenge, according to the Mainz University Medical Center. For the production of the lens it first required an extremely precise measurement of the eye and the astigmatism of the cornea. In the second step, the special design of the exceptionally sophisticated intraocular lens made special demands on the engineers of the Erlangen-based manufacturer. Last but not least, the implantation of the personalized medical device required the surgeon Dr. med. Voßmerbäumer high performance, according to the announcement of the University Medical Center Mainz.
Lens is first introduced folded in the eye
In order to prepare for the approximately 30-minute operation, Voßmerbäumer had planned the procedure very carefully in advance and had cut through the idea again and again, reports the University Medical Center Mainz. In addition, he had the folding properties of the lens tested several times, because the lens only folded through the fine channel of the injector fit, with which it is introduced into the eye to unfold there again. It was also important to accurately determine placement prior to surgery and to position the lens extremely precisely during surgery.
Extremely thick lenses are difficult to implant
"The implanted, high-performance lens is based on the standardized model of a corneal curvature balancing, so-called toric lens, but it is much thicker," explains the University of Mainz. This is an important factor in the operation, since the large lens can only be folded into the eye. For this step Dr. dr. Voßmerbäumer only an approx. 2.8 mm wide cutting channel was available. "The successful implantation of the custom-made lens is a prime example of personalized top-level medicine," emphasizes Professor Dr. med. Norbert Pfeiffer, Director of the Eye Clinic and Polyclinic of the University Medical Center Mainz.
Even extreme ametropia is treatable
"Extreme ametropia is no longer a fate," Dr. Voßmerbäumer. Because for the refractive surgery today, the expression of ametropia should no longer be a limitation. In Mainz, patients will be offered the opportunity to perform an operative, refractive treatment, even in the case of extreme vision defects, and thus achieve good vision. "In the past few years, I have already made several extreme corrections, but the implantation of the world's strongest lens of 40 diopters of cylinder value was really something very special" Voßmerbäumer. (Fp)