Eye Shadow - Causes, treatment and effective home remedies

Dark shadows under the eyes
Dark-colored shadows under the eyes are annoying and are often perceived by those affected as a blemish. Last but not least, this is because their position under the eyes makes them very obvious and recognizable to everyone. Usually, the halo eyes, as they are termed in medical terminology, are associated with fatigue, lack of sleep and fatigue. But far from these rather harmless causes, eye shadows can also be an indication of serious illnesses and deficiency symptoms.
- Dark shadows under the eyes
- definition
- Oxygen deficiency as the main cause of eye shadow
- Nutrient deficiency can lead to eye shadow
- Eye shadow as an accompanying symptom of diseases
- Increased risk of eye shadow in the elderly
- Symptoms with shadows under the eyes
- diagnosis
- Treatment for eye shadow
- Home remedies for dark shadows under the eyes
- Diseases of the eye shadow
The skin around that eye (Oculus) has some special properties that provide the physiological basis for the development of the eye shadow. With the exception of a few areas, the skin is usually provided with a neat pad on subcutaneous fat tissue. In the eyes of this fat pad, however, is formed only very low, making the skin looks very thin here.

In addition, the eye region relies on a particularly good circulation. Because for the outer eye movements is a special muscle that Eye ring muscle (Orbicularis oculi muscle), responsible, who must always be supplied with sufficient oxygen via the blood. For this reason, there are many small blood vessels around the eye, which cover the oxygen demand of the eye ring muscle and for this purpose are flowed through by blood with a comparatively higher speed. Due to the low-density fat pad, the blood vessels in the eye area are also very superficial, making them visibly shimmer through the skin layers.
The dark discoloration of this skin area, known as the eye shadow, can now be caused by two factors. Either the eye region is due to an increased occurrence of dark skin pigments (Melanin) naturally more pigmented, which is usually genetically conditioned, only slightly influenced and independent of lifestyle.
Or, the dark color is produced, as in most cases, by shining through the blood vessels through which oxygenated blood flows. Here are numerous influencing factors as a cause into consideration, which can sometimes point to a lasting health impairment.
Oxygen deficiency as the main cause of eye shadow
The color of the blood depends on the concentration of the oxygen bound in it. Oxygen-rich blood is always brighter in its red color than low-oxygen blood, which appears rather bluish. A temporary lack of oxygen as a cause of rings under the eyes does not necessarily indicate a serious health problem.
For example, the eye shadows can be unique lack of sleep be caused. Due to the lack of sleep, there is an increased strain on the muscles around the eye area, which the eyelids literally have to keep convulsively open due to the long awake phase. To achieve this, the eye muscles are supplied with blood more than usual and shimmer accordingly through the thin skin of the eye area. However, if the body recovers sufficient sleep after such a phase, the dark discolorations disappear again.

Eye shadows due to lack of oxygen in the blood can be favored by numerous other scenarios. Especially for the eyes, exhausting works like
- computer work,
- laboratory work,
- Handwork,
- long reading,
- long television
- long car rides
- and prolonged everyday stress
increase the oxygen demand of the muscles around the eyes as well. In addition, because people who perform these activities are often predominantly indoors, they often can not adequately meet their oxygen needs. The only remedy here is to interrupt these activities more frequently and, if possible, to spend part of the free time outdoors, to give the eyes some rest.
By the way: Alcohol and nicotine consumption as well as the use of certain drugs and medicines can reduce the oxygen content of the blood and thus provide dark circles. In addition, discoloration caused by lack of sleep is often triggered by heavy coffee consumption. Moreover, coffee in the body inhibits the absorption of iron, which also affects the blood's own oxygen content.
Nutrient deficiency can lead to eye shadow
Shadow under the eyes often underestimates personal dietary habits. Especially when it comes to the oxygen content of the blood, for example, an adequate supply of iron to the body is indispensable. Because oxygen is bound and transported in the blood by the iron-containing red blood cells. Missing it due to the body iron deficiency on the corresponding mineral, this can significantly affect the production and function of the blood corpuscles. Low-oxygen blood and thus bloodshot eyes are the result.
Danger: Especially people who eat meat-free, relatively often struggle with iron deficiency. Because the iron needs of the body can be covered by a purely plant-based diet rarely.

Other deficiency symptoms that may play a role are dehydration and general malnutrition. The latter is mainly favored by the frequent consumption of nutrient-poor finished products and unhealthy fast food.
Deficiencies of some vitamins and minerals may also occur as a result of certain health conditions. For example, lack of oxygen due to anemia in addition to iron deficiency is also favored by internal bleeding.
Leukemia and other cancers also show pronounced eye shadow as a symptom in late stages. To make matters worse here is usually a body-consuming cancer therapy, which also gnaws on the nutrient balance of the patient and can leave dark discoloration under the eyes as an expression of this nutrient deficiency.
Eye shadow as an accompanying symptom of diseases
Due to illness, dark circles occur especially in diseases of the metabolic organs, ie the liver, kidney and pancreas. Corresponding illnesses are here among other things the liver inflammation, as in addition to extreme noise and stimulant consumption especially at
- Diabetes mellitus
- hepatitis,
- Infections by the Epstein-Barr virus,
- renal insufficiency
- and Thyroid dysfunction
can be observed.
If children are affected by eye shadow, this is usually one cold based. The skin area around the eyes is even thinner in children and even a slightly blocked nose leads to an increased Durchschimmern the blood vessels. Likewise show fluid losses, for example as a result of diarrheal diseases such as Abdominal influenza, Especially in children even in smaller quantities effect on the skin, which is then sunken and flaccid.
Useful information: In some cases, dark shadows are also observed in atopic dermatitis and allergy patients as a result of severe pigmentation of the eye area. Here, however, the cause is still largely unclear.

Increased risk of eye shadow in the elderly
Although dark circles under the eyes are socially associated mostly with lack of sleep, alcohol consumption or a serious underlying disease, they can also be signs of aging. On the one hand, the already less pronounced subcutaneous fat pad of the eye area loses its substance further in old age, which promotes the shining through of the blood vessels in this facial area. On the other hand, the skin on the entire body and thus naturally also in the eye region with increasing age flabby, whereby the fine veins around the eye seem even more through the thin skin area.
Symptoms with shadows under the eyes
Dark circles generally manifest in a clear discoloration of the lower eye area. The color may range from yellowish to dark red to bluish. Typical concomitant symptoms are usually associated with the respective clinical pictures, but usually include the following complaints:
- fatigue
- fatigue
- Problems keeping your eyes open
- a headache (especially in case of sleep and nutrient deficiency)
- pallor
Eye shadow can be determined by mere eye diagnosis. The reason for this is often trickier. In any case, a careful examination of the blood values is important. Both blood disorders, as well as infections and deficiencies leave behind certain inconsistencies in the blood picture, which can give doctors an indication of possible underlying diseases.
In addition, an anamnesis of information on a possible, unhealthy everyday life can be discussed. Patients should be honest and open-minded about possible nutritional and lifestyle mistakes so that a suitable counter-treatment can be found quickly.
Treatment for eye shadow
In many cases it is sufficient to use eye rings with specific everyday measures such as
- enough sleep,
- a lot of fresh air
- a healthy, varied diet,
- sufficient breaks for strenuous activities
- as well as the reduction of stimulants
counteract. However, if these measures do not show the desired success, a visit to the doctor is indicated. Depending on the findings, then offer various therapeutic options for the repair of the dark circles.
Medical therapy
Mineral deficiency or vitamin deficiency as a cause can usually be treated relatively easily by substitution of the corresponding substances. Here, however, it is advisable to carry out a blood analysis in advance, before nutrient preparations or supplements are taken. However, iron tablets and vitamin supplements are common. In addition, hyaluronic acid ointments are available to improve skin hydration and reduce dark circles.
dietary changes
In the diet, it is a good tip to focus on red fruit juices. These usually contain large amounts of iron and vitamin C - two nutrients that are essential to the eye. Also fish and meat are indispensable for a good iron supply. Although the animal products should be consumed in moderation, a fish meal or a little lean poultry per week are recommended.

In addition, animal liver is particularly ferrous, even if this is not for everyone. Likewise, there are plenty of proteins in animal products that can also improve the dark circles by strengthening the eye tissue. Other helpers for healthy eyes through adequate vitamin and mineral supply are legumes, whole grains and nuts.
daily conversion
An orderly sleep rhythm is not the only everyday measure that comes into play in the treatment of eye shadow. As we have already seen, stresses and activities that are distressing to the eyes play an enormous role in the formation of dark discolorations. In order to find the balance between eye strain and eye relaxation, it can be helpful to do targeted relaxation training. Yoga, Reiki and other meditative courses help patients to take their daily life more relaxed and thus reduce the stress level.
Operative therapy
Eye shadows based on a disease-related cause can also be operated upon by examining a benefit-risk analysis. Depending on the underlying cause, different methods can be used here. It is conceivable, for example, a laser treatment for whitening the eye area in hyperpigmentation. Injection with hyaluronic or adipose tissue may also be used in age-related sagging of the ocular tissue.
Home remedies for dark shadows under the eyes
Especially because dark edges under the eyes are usually a cosmetic problem and often occur only in the short term, for example, after a night of celebration, the repertoire of home remedies is very wide.
Most measures, which are applied directly to the eye and therefore must be carried out with caution, are based on cooling the eye, for example with ice cubes. The influence of cold causes a short-term reduction of blood flow through vasoconstriction, whereby the local oxygen supply of the blood can be regulated again. The following home remedies for dark circles are similarly effective:
- moist, cold compresses with chamomile extracts
- chilled cucumber slices
- Tablespoons that were in the freezer for 10 minutes
- cooled eye creams
- a cool face mask made of grated potatoes
- cooling quark compresses

However, it should be noted that these measures usually only achieve a short-term effect. In disease-related eye shadow or eye edges by hyperpigmentation, they are usually completely futile.
Tip: If the person concerned has his individual risk factors in mind and still suffers from the dark discoloration, then usually only helps the walk to beautician or in the makeup department of the drugstore. Here is the range of covering toiletries and you will quickly find what you want to hide the annoying leftovers anyway. It is important, however, to resort to cosmetics that do not dry out the skin any more and deprive their nutrients. A professional advice is therefore recommended.
One of the homeopathic remedies for dark circles is a variety of oil extracts that have a moisturizing effect on the lower eye area. For example, almond oil and emu oil are recommended, which can also be mixed and gently rubbed into the affected areas of the skin for treatment. The massage has an additional positive effect, as it stimulates the blood circulation.
Also worth a try is Fucus extract, an extract of the bladderwrack that has a firming and revitalizing effect on the blood vessels and the ocular skin. In addition, Ferrum phosphoricum, available as Schüssler's salt in potency D6, can provide assistance in the natural treatment of dark ocular rims.
Diseases of the eye shadow
Hyperpigmentation, circulatory disorders, iron deficiency, diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency, liver inflammation, hepatitis, thyroid dysfunction, Epstein-Barr virus, common cold, gastrointestinal flu, diarrhea, atopic dermatitis, allergic diseases. (Ma)