Education about complementary medicine

Information on complementary medicine through the brochure of the Techniker Krankenkasse “
„It is good that the Techniker Krankenkasse and the German Cancer Society have now introduced the program Complementary Medicine for Cancer Patients in Berlin. In the brochure also presented patients can inform themselves about complementary medicine“, commented Ralf Heinrich, head of the clinic for integrative medicine the initiative of the health insurance and the cancer society.
For example, the brochure shows that complementary medicine combines various therapeutic directions: „ These can come from natural medicine (herbal medicine, homeopathy, anthroposophy, Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine with acupuncture, phytotherapy, etc.) or psychological therapy procedures are close (for example, relaxation techniques, meditation and others). There are also more technical therapies, such as certain forms of hyperthermia. All these therapeutic directions have in common that they are complementary, that is, as a supplement to the so-called „Conventional medicine“ used in cancer treatment.“ Dr. Heinrich: „It's a step forward as school and complementary medicine approaches. It is a step in the right direction, if it is pointed out that even the today's exact scientific medicine has experience-medicinal roots.“ The brochure writes: „Most of these forms of therapy come from the so-called empirical healing ... Even today's strictly scientific medicine was until recently a field of experience!“