Clarification on caesarean sections More natural births required

In Germany, there are more and more cesarean births. Only in the fewest cases is the operation medically necessary. Health experts have been trying for some time to dismiss unfounded fears of a natural birth. In Thuringia now the Greens want to initiate an initiative for natural births.
Every third birth by caesarean section
The question of Caesarean section or natural birth is being decided by more and more women in favor of the surgical procedure. Almost every third child in Germany is born by caesarean section. For medical reasons, surgery is usually unnecessary. For some time experts have been trying to reduce the fears of a natural birth. The Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) has recently published a brochure that offers a "comparison of different methods of birth and their risks". And in Thuringia politics is now active.

Initiative for natural births
There, the parliamentary group of the Greens wants to initiate an initiative for natural births, according to a message from the news agency dpa. On the occasion of a panel discussion on the subject of pregnancy and childbirth in Jena, health policy politician Babett Pfefferlein explained that new concepts were needed to further reduce the rate of caesarean sections in Thuringia. Among other things, incentives should be created to persuade clinics to change the existing practice. According to the Statistisches Landesamt, 27.3 percent of all births in the Thuringian hospitals last year were caesarean delivery. In 2013, the share was still at 28.1 percent. Although Thuringia lay in the births by caesarean section below the national average of 31.8 percent, but according to Pfefferlein there is no reason to trivialize. (Ad)