Education prevents teenage pregnancies

Enlightenment and open talks prevent teenage pregnancies
The Professional Association of Paediatricians calls for a comprehensive education of children and adolescents on the subject of sexuality. This is the only way teenage pregnancies can be avoided, says the spokesman for the association. Ulrich Fegeler. Fegeler refers to a study by two US scientists who examined the effects of a national abstinence campaign that has been going on for over ten years. The religiously and morally motivated campaign brought little, meaning more meaningful are therefore open discussions, so the first resume.
A general conversation about sexuality is not enough
According to a recent study by the University of Georgia, USA, it is not enough to encourage adolescents to seek sexual abstinence, as required by a national campaign in the US. This is also confirmed by Ulrich Fegeler, spokesman of the professional association of paediatricians and explains: „The importance of contraceptives for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and early pregnancies should be clear to adolescents even before their first sexual contact.“ Children and adolescents need trustworthy contact persons who can ask them about sexuality without adults acting as moral apostles. Parents can refer their children to the J1 and J2 examinations, where they can get information from their doctor about sexuality. Parents do not have to be present during these examinations, so that the adolescents have the opportunity to ask their questions unrestrictedly and receive comprehensive advice.
Fegeler reports: „It is not enough for parents to talk to their adolescent children about sexuality only once in order to teach them how to deal responsibly with sexuality.“ Already at the age of four or five, children are interested in the differences between girls and boys. Mothers and fathers should answer all their children's questions on this topic.
About 10,000 teenage pregnancies per year
According to the authors of the study, Kathrin F. Stanger-Hall and David W. Hall, it is not enough to encourage children and adolescents to abstinence in order to prevent teenage pregnancies. The scientists recommend comprehensive education programs that are integrated into the curriculum of the schools. The researchers came to this conclusion after researchers evaluated the most recent data (2005) from 48 states in the US regarding statutory sex education and compulsory policies on the subject. The US takes first place in teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases among industrialized countries.
Social worker Sebastian Bertram explains: „The study has shown that antiquated morality, such as teenage sexual abstinence, is not an adequate means to prevent teenage pregnancy.“
In Germany, about 10,000 teen pregnancies are detected each year. Of these, about 4,000 to 5,000 girls give birth to a child. About the same number of girls aborts the pregnancy, reports Fegeler. In principle, however, the number of teenage abortions would decline.
Nonprofit organizations help teenagers with unwanted pregnancies
Non-profit organizations, such as Pro Familia, help teenagers in difficult situations, such as unwanted pregnancies. An attempt is made to give the widest possible advice on all topics relating to the topic of pregnancy in order to find the best individual solution.
In addition, Pro Familia offers free consultation on all issues relating to sexuality, pregnancy, partnership and family planning. Children and teenagers have the opportunity to get independent information from professionals without their parents. This is particularly helpful because young people are often uncomfortable or embarrassed to discuss these topics with their parents. Independent organizations such as Pro Familia take adolescents seriously and discuss their concerns and fears with professionals. (Ag)
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Picture credits: SI-MedienGestaltung - I. Scharfschwerdt, TRIER