Sleep well on hot summer days

Sleep well on hot summer days / Health News

Many people struggle with sleep problems during the summer months


In many apartments, the room temperature rises so drastically during the summer months that it is almost unthinkable to have a restful sleep. However, some simple measures can help to get you back to sleep on hot summer days, says the initiative e. V. in Berlin.

The lowest temperatures during the day are at night just before sunrise. So actually the heated bedroom is best to thoroughly ventilate at this time. However, since most people still sleep shortly before sunrise, the window can be opened in the morning after getting up and fresh air can be left in the bedroom, explains the Verbraucher Initiative in Berlin. Then, according to the experts, the windows and curtains should remain closed during the day to prevent the interior from heating up. At bedtime, the consumer initiative recommends recommending the bedroom to be aired again.

Sheets or blank duvet cover instead of duvet
Above all, people who are already struggling with sleep disorders often suffer considerably during the summer months from the high temperatures during the night. You should therefore take measures to prevent excessive heating of the bedroom and also use instead of the usual duvet on a sheet or an empty cotton duvet cover, the consumer advises initiative. These provide the necessary warmth for sleeping in the heat, without the sufferer becoming overly sweaty.

Further measures for a healthy night sleep
Furthermore, the consumer recommends initiative in the press release „Good night and sleep well!“ People with sleep problems generally one „regulated daily and sleep rhythm“. On nocturnal temples and the nap in the evening in front of the television should therefore better do without. Rituals such as evening washing, brushing and changing should be for „Attunement to bedtime“ be used, so consumer initiative continues. Also, experts recommend not to eat large meals and drink alcoholic drinks for three hours before bedtime. In addition, susceptible persons should abstain from caffeinated beverages for six hours before bedtime. If sleep problems are due to difficulty switching off, according to the consumers' initiative, relaxation techniques, moderate physical exercises or other hobbies can help with relaxation. (Fp)

Picture: Gerd Altmann