At birth more people die

At birth more people die / Health News

More people die on birthday than on other days


Increased stress and too much alcohol should be responsible for the fact that the likelihood of dying on a birthday by almost 14 percent higher than on all other days of the year. This was the result of a study by the University of Zurich.

Men are particularly at risk because of increased alcohol consumption on their birthday
Who relaxes his birthday and spends without elaborate preparations, can be lucky. According to the scientist Vladeta Ajdacic-Gross and her team, increased stress and alcohol consumption lead to an increased risk of death on the day of honor. That reports „pharmacy magazine“. Especially in men too much alcohol leads to a 29% increased risk of dying due to accidents on the day of honor. The risk of suicide is also increased, especially in males.

The researchers from the University of Zurich analyzed the death data of two million Swiss from 1969 to 2008 and came to the conclusion that the likelihood of dying at birth is increased by almost 14 percent.

By stressful birthday more deadly heart attacks and strokes
In older people, the researchers saw the cause of the increased mortality on the day of honor, especially in stress, which often comes around the day of honor. „The total surplus of deaths on birthdays was 13.8 percent, mainly because of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (more in women than in men) and suicides and accidents (especially in men)“, the scientists wrote in the journal in August „Annals of Epidemiology. "According to this, heart attacks, strokes, suicide or accidents are the most frequent causes of death on the birthday.

For example, Ajdacic-Gross and her team registered a total of 18.6 percent more fatal heart attacks than on other days. 21.5 percent more strokes would also occur on women's honor day. „Unexpectedly, we also found a surplus of cancer deaths“, the researchers write.

The study results contradict the assumption that many sick people are still trying to celebrate their last birthday and then die. Rather, the increased stress that especially elderly people suffered on their day of honor leads to the increased mortality rates, the researchers report. (Ag)

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