Eat fat at carnival and dress warmly

Eat fat at carnival and dress warmly / Health News

Take good care of your health at Carnival


When carnival celebrates on the streets and in pubs, there is no stopping for many. The alcohol flows in streams and the reason breaks. As beautiful as the fifth year is for many carnivalists to survive unscathed, a lot should be kept in mind. The news agency „dpa“ spoke with Elisabeth Pott, Director of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), about precautionary measures and responsible use of alcohol.

Alcohol only in moderation at carnival
Carnival means little sleep and lots of alcohol for many people. In addition, there is usually cold rainy weather - ideal conditions for colds and flu. Because the viruses spread in crowds, as they are found during the carnival parades or in the pubs, especially fast. Celebrity people should therefore take good care of their health during the great days. „Particularly important is the responsible use of alcohol, "explains Pott.

According to the BZgA, 24 grams of pure alcohol per day (two non-alcoholic days per week) are considered low-risk for an adult male. This amount is equivalent to about two small beers. For women, 12 grams of pure alcohol are considered harmless. According to Pott, these guidelines should also be followed during Carnival. „Those who drink more risk losing their judgment and overestimate themselves“, warns the expert. That could have dire consequences. „Unprotected intercourse or driving under the influence of alcohol: drunks do things that they would not normally do. "

Particularly at risk are adolescents who take beer, schnapps and other spirits. Often, they can not assess how their body reacts to alcohol and sometimes drink it to unconsciousness. At carnival doctors and youth protection organizations warn regularly before the so-called „Binge drinking“, which leads to the death of the adolescents in the worst case.

Against the hangover at Carnival helps a lot of fluid, a hearty breakfast and walking in the fresh air
Protein-rich and high-fat food before drinking leads Pott according to the fact that the alcohol enters the blood more slowly. She advises to sausages. They are present at Carnival almost everywhere. „However, the effect of the alcohol can not be prevented. It occurs only slower. "After each alcoholic drink should also be drunk an anti-alcoholic such as water to compensate for the loss of fluid again.

If too much alcohol was drunk on carnival and the head is buzzing the next morning, helps a lot of water or fruit juice spritzer to cover the increased fluid requirements of the body. In addition, a hearty breakfast can give you energy. If the circuit is involved, a walk in the fresh air is advisable.

In addition to the increased alcohol consumption, lack of sleep carnival is often a problem. Celebrating late into the night and getting up early in the morning to go to the carnival parade can severely burden the body. Therefore, Jecken should pay attention to sufficiently restful sleep. „Seven hours are the minimum, eight are better, "explains Pott. As a positive, the expert mentions the moves in the fresh air. „This is basically good and healthy.“ However, you should pay attention to warm clothes. This also applies to the carnival costume.

Where many people meet, as in parades and in pubs, the risk of becoming infected with pathogens is high. Pott therefore advises the regular washing of hands, which also can not completely exclude a cold. „Unfortunately, those who really want to avoid the danger must avoid crowds. "(Ag)

Picture: LouPe