Ambrosia dogs feel dangerous plant for allergy sufferers

Ambrosia dogs feel dangerous plant for allergy sufferers / Health News
Allergiauslöser: Dogs detect Ambrosia
Ambrosia is one of the strongest allergenic plants in the world. In this country, too, it is spreading further and further. Dogs will be used in Berlin to track down the dangerous plant for allergy sufferers. The first animals have already received appropriate training.

One of the strongest allergenic plants ever
According to experts, Ambrosia is one of the strongest allergenic plants in the world. About 80 percent of allergy sufferers are therefore allergic to ragweed. In addition, the herb can provoke hypersensitivity even in previously insensitive persons without allergy. Furthermore, according to the German Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI), an allergy to ragweed often leads to cross-allergies. More than enough reasons to limit the spread of the plant more. In Berlin, dogs are now also being used.

Ambrosia, one of the strongest allergenic plants in the world, is spreading even further in this country. In Berlin, dogs are now being used to track down the dangerous plant for allergy sufferers. (Image: Ewald Fröch /

Strong spread of the introduced Ambrosia plant
For years, the massive spread of the Ambrosia plant has been pointed out. The herb imported from North America now finds suitable growing conditions in Germany as well. In view of the high allergenic potential of Ambrosia, discovered plants should urgently be removed. In the past, there have already been public actions to eradicate plants.

Dogs detect dangerous plant in green spaces
Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin (FU) are now pursuing the idea of ​​using dogs as ambrosia snoopers. As the meteorologist Thomas Dümmel from the university told the German Press Agency, a dog trainer had successfully trained their own animals in a first attempt to track down the dangerous plants for allergy sufferers in parks and on the roadside. Accordingly, the idea was born to encourage other dog owners in the future to use their four-legged friends in the search for the plants.

People help spread
According to the information, the current year was relatively relaxed for allergy sufferers in Berlin. In contrast to Brandburg, the pollen levels in the capital were moderate.

However, the ragweed plant in Berlin's urban area has greatly expanded in recent years, according to a leaflet from the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment. "Not only the high seed production of the plant and its enormous adaptability have ensured this, also humans carry z. For example, by the transport of soil and humus or the use of birdseed containing ambrosia seeds, for distribution, "write the experts.

Already ten pollen per cubic meter of air are enough
"Already ten pollen per cubic meter of air are enough to cause symptoms such as tears, itchy eyes, photosensitivity, headaches, tiredness and hay fever in pollen allergy sufferers. An exceptionally high proportion of sufferers also suffer from respiratory problems to asthma, "it continues.

On the Berlin-Brandenburg Ambrosia Atlas you can enter, among other things, whether you have found Ambrosia plants, they have been eliminated or if there are photos of it. (Ad)