Ambrosia pollen A danger to humans

Ambrosia pollen A danger to humans / Health News

Ministry warns against the spread of Ambrosia pollen


The plant genus Ambrosia includes several dozen species. The species Ambrosia artemisiifolia is considered to be particularly allergenic. The species was originally native to eastern North America. Trafficked by human trafficking globally, it is now causing major agricultural and health problems in many parts of the world.

Because of human inattention and favored by climate change, it can spread extensively and thus represents a significant threat to the health of the population dar. The ambush ragweed populated mainly disturbed, open areas such as construction sites, fields, fallow, open ground, railway embankment, path - and roadsides. In these days, the flowering period of the plant begins - and thus the most dangerous phase for allergy sufferers.

Dangerous pollen
The tiny pollen of the Ambrosia artemisiifolia is considered to be particularly aggressive and, according to allergists, it can trigger allergies such as hay fever, headache, anxiety and even asthma. Ambrosia causes health problems for many people. According to the world, the plant occupies fifth place among the most aggressive new immigrant species on the list of the 100 worst invasive species. According to estimates, 12 to 20 percent of Germans are allergic to this species, which is also called upright ragweed

How dangerous is the plant?
The mugwort ambrosia is highly allergenic. Even people who have no pollen allergy can develop an allergy through the plant. Those who suffer from hay fever are most likely also allergic to ragweed pollen. It also shows skin reactions in contact with the plant, which can cause itching and easy burning. Currently, these cases are currently quite rare. There are only a few small stocks - for example in Hamburg.

How do I recognize a mugwort ragweed??
The size varies depending on the location between 20 centimeters and just under two meters. In very poor, dry locations, it remains rather small. The stem is highly branched, the flowers are green and are under a bract that looks like a small umbrella. The stems of Ambrosia are usually reddish and hairy, very robust and branch strong. The yellow flower heads form at the end of the branches in a spike-like grape. The pollen is released from the flowers in the morning when the dew has dried.

Ambrosia has very inconspicuous flowers that sit in different places of the plant. Here are the arranged in coils female flowers in the leaf axils. The small, male flowers rise up as dense clusters at the sprout ends and dew during the flowering period (late July to early October) thousands of yellow pollen, which are distributed by the wind.

Why is the plant spreading more and more??
Ambrosia loves the warmth. How many new species does it especially occur where it is relatively warm. In southern Europe, the problem has been around for some time. Ambrosia first conquered southern Germany in Germany, but now in northern Germany again and again specimens appear. This happens most often with bird food. Winter food for domestic birds, for example, often also contains Ambrosia seeds.

What do I do with the plants?
Property owners and users can help combat this harmful plant. For this purpose, the plants with their roots are torn out and then destroyed, but not on the organic waste or compost, but on the household waste. Gloves should be worn. If the plant is already blooming, a dust mask should be used. On the other hand, larger stocks should be reported to the environmental office of the municipality concerned.

Does the plant also have ecological problems?
The Mugwort Ambrosia is a so-called neophyte, so an immigrant species. It has hardly natural enemies with us. Ecologically, it is still a rather small problem. Unlike, for example, the Giant Bear Claw, which is massively spreading and displacing native species. (Fr)

Picture: M.E.