Aggression or depressed physicians worried about psychologically conspicuous children

Aggression or depressed physicians worried about psychologically conspicuous children / Health News
Doctors worried about psychologically conspicuous children
Pediatricians in Germany are worried: in the meantime every fifth child in Germany shows mental disorders. The little ones are often aggressive or withdraw completely. In the consultation and prevention, there are enormous deficits. The children would have to be cared for better.

Mentally disturbed children are poorly cared for
Children and young people spend more and more time on the Internet or in front of the screen. In their families, they are often poorly supported: According to paediatricians, mentally disturbed children in Germany are poorly cared for. And that, although about every fifth child in medical practices show psychic abnormalities, as the president of the Professional Association of Children and Adolescents of Germany (BVKJ), Wolfram Hartmann, said on the sidelines of the Children and Youth Day in Berlin. He told the dpa news agency: "A large proportion of those who are noticeable in childhood have symptoms requiring treatment from adolescence or as adults."

Many children show behavioral problems and the offers to help are not enough. (Image: fidelio /

Signs of depression before school
For example, "conspicuous" means aggression. The children are therefore not necessarily mentally ill. However, girls and boys show more and more signs of depression before they go to school, according to paediatricians. Hartmann explained that those affected withdrew, contacts shied away and made a sad impression. According to health experts, physical symptoms can also be an indication of depression. For example, baseless abdominal pain, inner restlessness or severe tiredness can be warning signs. Even though the causes have barely been researched so far, experts suspect that neglect as well as excessive demands can lead to it. Although the number of diagnoses has risen in recent years, depression among children is still underestimated, psychiatrists warn.

Refugee children with traumatic experiences
According to a study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), especially adolescents with a migration background reported more often on mental health problems than adolescents without. This could get worse in the future. As Hartmann explained, the growing number of refugee children with severe traumatic experiences are already noticeable in the practices: "We have significant language barriers and no structures to provide assistance." The German health care system is in any case not adequately prepared for the care of refugees and asylum seekers. The Federal Government's Integration Officer has recently announced better medical care for migrants.

Prevention needs to improve
As the dpa further reports, drugs against mental disorders, with the exception of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the pediatrician are not an issue. According to Hartmann, at least prevention, especially among preschool children, has to improve. Children with mental health problems need preventive services

A comprehensive range of counseling services is required, in which pedagogical specialists closely supervise families. According to the expert, the pressure that educators and teachers put on the paediatricians was high. For example, occupational therapy and speech therapy were to be prescribed and the children diagnosed who did not actually apply to them, explained Hartmann. His biggest concern, however, is that the issue in the proposed prevention law of the Federal Government has so far played no role. (Ad)