Aggression What influence do violent games have on the computer?

Aggression What influence do violent games have on the computer? / Health News

Aggression behavior of adult players not affected by violent games

Video games are often better than their reputation. For example, scientific research has shown that some computer gamers can learn a lot better and that video games can be good for brain development and protect against dementia. But what about the effects of violent computer games? Researchers from Hamburg have dealt with this question and found that this hardly affects the aggression behavior of adults.

Worry that violent video games promote aggression

"It is a widespread concern that violent video games promote aggression, reduce pro-social behavior, increase impulsiveness and affect both the perception and the mood of the players," said in a preliminary published in the journal "Molecular Psychiatry" study of Scientists of the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). But apparently the effects of such games are not as negative as the researchers found out.

In a recent study, it has been shown that gambling on computer games does not affect the aggression behavior of adult players in a sustainable or long-term way. (Image: Iryna Tiumentseva /

Negative influence can not be proven scientifically

In the study of scientists of the UKE showed that the playing of violent computer games on the aggression behavior of adult players not sustainable or long-term influence.

"The negative influence of violent video games on the behavior of the players, which is often cited publicly, can not be scientifically proven", says Prof. Dr. med. Simone Kühn from the UKE Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, according to a statement.

"In our study, we found no significant or relevant behavioral changes in adult subjects. Now it is still to be explored whether the behavior of children and adolescents is not permanently changed by playing violent games, "said the study director.

Player in "shoot em up mode"

The arguments used so far in the debates on violent games were essentially based on studies in which the participants only played a violent game between minutes and hours.

In addition, the behavior of the players in the previous studies was examined only immediately after playing, if the players were still in the shoot em up mode. This phenomenon has been known in psychology for a long time under the term "priming" or facilitation.

The UKE scientists have now investigated how and if the aggression behavior changes in the long term, if the players play a violent game over a longer period of time.

Reward for aggressive behavior

The study by UKE scientists has involved 90 adults who do not regularly play video games in their everyday lives and have been divided into three groups for the study.

One group played the violence-glorifying game Grand Theft Auto over a period of two months, rewarding players for their aggressive behavior.

Participants in the other group also played Sims, a video game in which players create virtual characters, customize their looks and personality, and then join them on their social networks.

A third group did not play video games.

Ability to empathize

Before and after these two months, in which the subjects played an average of 33 hours, the researchers examined the behavior of the study participants by means of various tests.

Among other things, questionnaires as well as implicit behavioral tests were used to test the aggression and subliminal aggression of the participants. In addition, the social behavior, especially the ability to empathy was examined.

The tests were repeated two months after the last video game.

There were no significant or relevant player behavioral changes detected, either comparing the test results before the game and one day after the last game, comparing the behavior before the start of the first game and two months after the last game. (Ad)