ADHD Ritalin consumption first dropped

ADHD Ritalin consumption first dropped / Health News

For years, first prescribed less ADHD medication


More and more children and adolescents are diagnosed with an attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADD / ADHD). This is usually treated with stimulants, whereby the most well-known and at the same time most discussed active substance here the so-called Methylphenidat (MPH) resp. „Ritalin“ is. After the prescription numbers have increased in the last few years, the consumption of these drugs seems to have declined for the first time.

Ritalin keeps giving rise to controversial discussions
The prescription drug Ritalin, which is often used in the treatment of AD (H) S patients, is frequently discussed controversially in public. On the one hand are the opponents, who draw attention to numerous side effects and clearly define the drug as a drug, since an overdose of the ingredient Metylphenidat apparently similar effects can be achieved as with cocaine. On the other hand, there are the proponents who argue that the drug will correct the impaired dopamine budget in the brain, which could make affected children more focused, attentive, and calmer.

Consumption of methylphenidate in 2013 decreased by 36 kilograms
In recent years, more and more children have become so-called „Hyperactivity syndrome“ or an attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADD / ADHD) has been diagnosed and accordingly, the number of Ritalin prescriptions has gone up more and more. But now seems to be a turnaround, because, as reported by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in Bonn, the consumption of the drug methylphenidate last year went back for the first time in 20 years. Accordingly, in 2013 „just“ 1803 kilograms of the drug has been taken - while in 2012 it was still 1839 kilograms.

Prescription boom in the last 20 years
But despite falling numbers could not according to BfArM President Walter Schwerdtfeger of a „real“ Downward trend are spoken - but there is still reason to hope: „Nonetheless, we view this first slight decline after the massive increase of the past 20 years as a positive signal, possibly indicating a more critical approach to methylphenidate.“ In the years before, however, it had a veritable „Prescribing boom“ According to the BfArM, the year-on-year increase was greatest in 2000, when consumption suddenly surged 91%. Consumption then increased by an average of 17% year on year until 2008, and then only just under 3% from 2009 onwards. The approximately 2% lower consumption last year is therefore the first decline in 20 years, the BfArM continues.

Misuse and overtreatment can not be ruled out as the cause of increasing consumption
The causes of the increasing consumption of methylphenidate are the Bundesinstitut according to multi-layered and would be discussed by experts at the same time controversial. On the one hand, improved diagnostic options for ADHD and earlier treatment could be the reason for the rising numbers in recent years, but also mistreatment and overtreatment could be considered as background. But just here, the slight decline in numbers over the past year could possibly point to a new form of mindfulness: „Apparently, the caution in a drug treatment of ADHD has grown, "said the technician health insurance pharmacist Dr. Edda Würdemann to the news agency „dpa“. The TK had also shown that the number of children and adolescents treated with medication alone increased by 32% between 2006 and 2009, but by almost 3.4% from 2009 to 2012 in almost all federal states. Only North Rhine-Westphalia was an exception - here, the number of young people who had been prescribed a corresponding drug, increased by 4.6 percent between 2009 and 2012.

About 5% of children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years are affected by ADHD
ADHD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder) is the most common childhood and adolescent psychiatric disorder of which about 5% of children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 are affected, according to the Federal Association of ADHD Germany eV in Germany , In boys, the disease is diagnosed about four times more often than in girls, in about 60% of those affected remain essential symptoms of ADHD such as inattention and overactivity or impulsivity even in adulthood persist. According to BfArM, the active substance methylphenidate is used only in the context of a therapeutic overall strategy and only in those cases in which alternative treatment measures alone have proven to be inadequate. In addition, the intake should in any case take place under the supervision of a specialist in behavioral disorders in order to avoid harmful side effects or incorrect dosages. (No)

Image: Sara Hegewald