ADHD Ritalin only in exceptional cases

ADHD Ritalin only in exceptional cases / Health News

ADHD: Ritalin allocation in children and adolescents only in exceptional cases and under specialist supervision.

(18.09.2010) The drug consumption in children and adolescents has increased rapidly. So-called psychoanaleptics in ADHD were prescribed too fast by general practitioners. But that should change now. Only in exceptional cases should children and adolescents suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) be treated with Ritalin (methylphenidate). The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has thus restricted the prescription of psychoanaleptics medicines for children and adolescents because of possible risks.

The health insurance already reimburse only drugs with the drug „Methlyphenidat“, where an ADHD diagnosis has been made. Now, the rules are to be tightened even narrower, in which further requirements in the diagnosis creation and the expertise of physicians in therapy will be set. In the future, GPs will no longer be used to diagnose ADHD, but only specialists (child and adolescent psychiatrists with social psychiatry agreement). These are bound to provide additional psychological, educational and curative educational services to the child. Only specialists should then only the active ingredient „Methlyphenidat“ may prescribe. In the course of treatment, medication should also be regularly discontinued in order to check the health status of the child.

A review of the innovations in the pharmaceuticals directive must now be examined by the Federal Ministry of Health. If no objections become apparent, the update of the Medicines Directive with respect to the award of „Methlyphenidat“ published in the Federal Gazette. Thus, the regulation then comes into force.

Last year, the Commercial Health Insurance (KKH) announced an increase in the diagnosis of ADHD by 5 percent in the period 2004-2007 as a result of a study. The number of affected children in Germany is estimated at around 500,000, with boys being affected three times more frequently than girls. According to a University of Michigan study, around one million children in the US live with a false ADHD diagnosis. In Germany too, the number of incorrectly prepared ADHD diagnoses should be quite high. Exact studies on it are so far not. (Sb)

Also read:
Often wrong ADHD diagnosis in children
ADHD portal against premature diagnoses
Cannabis effective in ADHD?

Image: Rainer Sturm /