ADHD portal against premature diagnoses

ADHD portal against premature diagnoses / Health News

ADHD: Information portal against premature diagnoses and drugs. According to a Forsa survey by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), seven percent of German parents believe that their child has the so-called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This would mean that in every German school class, there were 28 children with two children with ADHD.

According to a Forsa survey by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), seven percent of German parents believe that their child has the so-called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This would mean that in every German school class, there were 28 children with two children with ADHD.

In the opinion of observers, in reality, there are fewer children who have the symptoms of it too „Zappelphilipp syndrome“ have ADHD. They believe that around 500,000 adolescents and children throughout Germany have the symptoms. Of these boys about three times more than girls.

The diagnosis is very crucial for the therapy. The TK states that in three years, the amount of drug supplies has increased by 30 percent. According to the psychologist Johannes Klüsener of the Techniker Krankenkasse, more than nine million euros were spent on ADHD drugs in 2009. Thereafter statistically more than one in ten children received a drug.

Here should be questioned critically whether not too lightly handled with the drugs, especially the methylphenidate, known in the form of drugs as Ritalin, is handled. Because ADHD not only knows a global cause and treatment. There are a variety of causes and manifestations, which should be taken into account individually in therapy and in handling. An important question that needs to be asked is whether our life is still child-friendly. Because in the Forsa survey of TK also turned out that almost every third child in Germany gets less than 90 minutes of daily exercise - here are school and movement in the child's home already considered. Furthermore, 80 percent of the children spend time daily at a game console or on the computer and every third child squats in front of the TV for more than an hour a day. The lack of exercise and overstimulation in our society could well be factors that influence the symptoms decisively.

But the psychologist Klüsener also warns against rash diagnoses:

"AD (H) S, however, should not be used as a quick explanation for an exhausting child who does not behave according to parental, educational or social standards, not everything that is conspicuous must be pathological."

It is noticeable that especially young couples and low-income and large-city parents answered positively questions about ADHD. For example, if the symptoms are based on a serious underlying condition such as epilepsy, the diagnosis should not be frivolous and further investigation should be made. The administration of medications such as Retalin is just one part of a comprehensive care program to support the affected children from all sides and not a panacea. Effects of long-term administration of methylphenidate on the infantile organism have not yet been sufficiently researched.

It is to be hoped that the information in the TK study will be made available to as many parents and therapists as possible, so that in the future, in the case of ADHD, it will not be generalized, but rather individual and varied in the sense of the affected children. A first approach here is the new info portal of the „ADHD network“ on the Internet. The information provided by the University of Cologne on information about symptoms has been developed for the children and adolescents themselves, their social and family environment and pedagogical specialists. It should help with information, to be able to deal better with the symptoms. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 02.03.2010)

To read more:
ADHS Info Portal

To read more:
ADHS Info Portal
Guide hyperactivity