ADHD Symptoms in Adults Sleep difficulties and many everyday problems

ADHD Symptoms in Adults Sleep difficulties and many everyday problems / Health News

Problems with everyday organization: signs of ADHD in adults
Not only many children, some adults also have ADHD. Some do not notice this at first. Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may include internal and external anxiety. Patients should not use medication immediately if they notice the disease.
Signs of ADHD in adults
Internal restlessness, difficulty falling asleep and problems with the everyday organization can be an indication for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults. The same applies to difficulties in controlling one's own feelings and completing activities, the news agency dpa reports. This was pointed out by the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN). This could have a negative effect on the further professional career. Patients also have a higher risk of developing depression, anxiety or addictions.

These are the signs of ADHD in adulthood. Image: - fotolia

Do not start using medicines right now
Therefore, it is very important that people look after the symptoms early on for help. According to the DGPPN, it helps many if they know about the disease. Thanks to this knowledge, they can attribute problematic behaviors to ADHD instead of starting from a "character weakness". According to health experts, therapeutic measures such as behavioral therapy are generally useful in ADHD. Another possibility is a drug treatment. However, this comes only in question, if non-drug measures are not sufficient.

However, many sufferers do not seem to follow such advice. It has been stated several times that more and more adults are taking medication for ADHD. According to experts, the problem is above all an active substance. Only recently have scientists raised public doubts about the effects of Ritalin. Medicines containing the active ingredient methylphenidate, such as the well-known Ritalin, have been standard treatments for ADHD for many years. (Ad)