Attention Thailand tourist authority warns of Chikungunya fever

Attention Thailand tourist authority warns of Chikungunya fever / Health News

Authorities warning: More and more infections with the Chikungunya virus in Thailand

If you intend to travel to Thailand soon, you should definitely think about adequate mosquito repellent. For at present, the Chikungunya fever cases are piling up in some regions of the Southeast Asian country. There is no effective drug for treatment or vaccine against mosquito-borne disease.

Health hazards in the holiday paradise

Thailand is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world. Every year, millions of tourists travel to the Southeast Asian country to relax on dream beaches, visit ancient temples and enjoy the wonderful food. However, the holiday paradise also threatens various health hazards due to tropical diseases. Very up-to-date is warned about Chikungunya fever. The dangerous infectious disease occurs particularly often this year.

In Thailand, health experts warn of chikungunya fever. There is no effective drug and no vaccine against mosquito-borne illness. (Image: carloscastilla /

Cluster of Chikungunya fever cases

The Thai Department of Disease Control (DDC) has warned the public, especially in the southern region, about increased chikungunya fever risk during the rainy season.

According to a Khon Kaen Times report, DDC director Suwannachai Wattanayingcharoenchai said there were already 355 cases of Chikungunya fever in 2018.

Most patients were reported from the southern provinces of Satun, Narathiwat, Songkhla, Krabi and Trang.

According to the information, the number of new infections since April this year is higher than the average of the last five years.

Measures to control the spread of mosquitoes

The Chikungunya virus, as well as the dengue and the Zika virus is transmitted by mosquitoes.

The DDC advises the population to keep the house and garden clean. Containers that may contain rainwater should be turned upside down.

In addition, the water in vases should be renewed weekly. Furthermore, it is advised not to accumulate garbage.

And lids should be placed on water containers to prevent mosquitoes laying their eggs.

Complaints can last for months

Chikungunya fever is often described as a blend of osteoarthritis and the flu. Infected people suffer from symptoms such as severe headache, joint and limb pain after a short incubation period.

Even complaints such as swelling of the lymph nodes, itching rash, mucosal bleeding or gastrointestinal complaints may occur.

The initial fever in Chikungunya disappears in most cases after a few days. However, sometimes the symptoms can last for months.

Even if an infection heals itself, it can be very tedious. After surviving illness but it comes to life-long immunity.

So far, there is neither a vaccine nor a causal therapy. So all you have to do is protect yourself from mosquito bites, for example with the help of mosquito repellents or mosquito nets. (Ad)