Attention Essential oil can also cause severe burns

Attention Essential oil can also cause severe burns / Health News
Essential oils can also cause burns: A concerned person warns on Facebook
Essential oils are said in natural medicine, but also in conventional medicine beneficial properties in back pain, joint pain, stress but also in colds. But what can be positive, can also develop unwanted side effects. That's what Elise Nguyen did. She burned herself with lemon oil.

Elise Nguyen rubbed a little bit of essential lemon oil on her neck and wrists before her "hot yoga" lesson. She wanted to achieve a calming effect. After yoga, the sufferer thought that it would not hurt to reach a tan in the solarium. Finally, she was invited to a wedding in Jamaica. So she laid herself fatally under the solarium.

(Image: Floydine /

And then the shock came. The next day Elise had severe skin irritation on her arms and neck. "At first, I thought it was an allergic reaction to the detergent, but it got worse over the next few days," she writes on Facebook. Your skin just did not get better. In the aftermath of bubbles created as in a chemical combustion.

(Image: Africa Studio /

No wonder. The vial of essential oil said, "Keep away from sunlight or UV light for up to 12 hours after application". A warning that, however, was very small. "I took second and third degree burns. It's been 22 days now and I still have vacancies, "says Elise. With a Facebook post she now wants to warn other people. "I do not blame the company for the oil. It was my own. I just want to warn others and advise to always read the warnings on the packs ".

The essential oil nevertheless has a healing and soothing effect. "However, warnings should always be read well. It can always undesirable effect or how interactions occur here, "says naturopath Susanne Müller. (Sb)