Attention Thailand Travelers Resistant malaria type is spreading

Attention Thailand Travelers Resistant malaria type is spreading / Health News
Tropical disease: In Southeast Asia, a resistant malaria pathogen spreads
According to scientists, in the Mekong region in Southeast Asia, a malaria form continues to spread, against which the current therapy does not work. The experts fear that the dangerous pathogen could even spread to other regions of the world. Tourists should protect themselves from mosquito bites.

Against common drugs resistant malaria pathogens
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia: Southeast Asia is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world. Every year, millions of tourists travel to the area to relax on dream beaches, visit ancient temples and enjoy the wonderful food. However, these countries also pose various health threats due to tropical diseases. Most recently, it is pointed out that in the Mekong region spreads a malaria pathogen that does not respond to the common drugs.

In Southeast Asia, a malaria pathogen continues to spread, against which the common drugs no longer work. Tourists should definitely protect themselves from mosquito bites. (Image: carloscastilla /

Infectious diseases in Southeast Asia
Travelers who spend the best time of the year in Southeast Asia are always advised to protect themselves from the infectious diseases that occur there. At the beginning of last year, for example, the spread of the tropical disease melioidosis was increasingly pointed out. Dengue fever is also widespread.

But tourists are most worried about malaria. And this fear is justified, because resistant pathogens have spread in Southeast Asia for years.

Already proven ten years ago
According to a recent study, a malaria form spreading in the Mekong region in Southeast Asia that does not respond to common therapies. According to scientists from Mahidol University in Bangkok, this pathogen strain was first detected in Cambodia in 2007 and has since raged in parts of northeast Thailand, southern Laos and eastern Myanmar.

As the researchers report in the journal "The Lancet Infectious Diseases", the pathogen is resistant to the usual treatment with the plant material artemisinin resistant.

According to the information, the exciter strand displaced the less dangerous strands in the region.

Dangerous Malaria tribe could spread to other continents
The experts are worried that the dangerous malaria catastrophe could spread further to India or even to Africa. Something similar happened in the 1950s and 1960s with two strands resistant to the therapies of the time. At that time, millions of people in India and Africa died from the disease transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.

Nicholas White from the Tropical Institute of Mahidol University called for more efforts in the fight against malaria. "There is a lot of discussion, but too little work on the subject," he said, according to a news agency AFP.

According to him, it is becoming increasingly difficult to treat the disease. "We lose a dangerous race."

Arjen Dondorp, lead author of the study, warned in particular about the spread of the dangerous malaria tribe in Africa: "Once in Africa, it would be a disaster, because there are the most malaria cases in the world."

Protection against mosquito bites
A malaria vaccine is not yet available. Tourists should definitely protect themselves with long-sleeved clothing and insect repellent.

Depending on the accommodation, a mosquito net may be useful. Another way to protect yourself from the annoying bloodsuckers is garlic. Its odor does not like mosquitoes. It should be noted that the Anopheles mosquito almost invariably stings at dusk or after sunset. (Ad)