Attention metal wire found callback action for HiPP children's breakfast rings

Attention metal wire found callback action for HiPP children's breakfast rings / Health News
Recall for metal wire in children's breakfast rings
The manufacturer HiPP has started a recall for its "Kinder Frühstücks-Ringe" after a piece of metal wire has been found in the product. In order to exclude any risk, consumption is discouraged. A return is possible against reimbursement of the purchase price in the sales outlets. Other products are not affected, according to the manufacturer.

Due to possibly contained metal wire, HiPP has launched a recall for its children Breakfast Rings. (Image:

Because of possibly contained metal wire pieces, the baby food manufacturer HiPP recalls the "Kids Breakfast Rings, 140 g (item 3536)". The product is intended for children over the age of 15 months. In the interests of preventive consumer protection, HiPP has already initiated the return from the store and the product concerned may be returned to the point of sale, according to the manufacturer's notification. The costs will be refunded upon return.

According to the baby food manufacturer, all "Kinder Frühstücks-Ringe, 140 g (item 3536)" with a best-before date from 05 January 2017 to 19 April 2017 are affected by the product recall. "To exclude any risk for our customers, the company claims to not use the products, "says HiPP. The best before date can be found on the top of the pack. Other HiPP products do not concern the recall. (Fp)