Attention Italy vacationers Dangerous virus has spread to the Adriatic

Attention Italy vacationers Dangerous virus has spread to the Adriatic / Health News

West Nile virus: Dangerous pathogen spread on the Adriatic

Already years ago, experts warned against the spread of the West Nile virus in Europe. Currently, the pathogen is increasingly common in northeastern Italy. A man should have died of it. Health experts therefore point out the importance of protecting themselves from mosquitoes.

Dangerous pathogens detected

A few months ago, when the World Health Organization (WHO) published a list of diseases and pathogens that "pose a risk to public health and for which there are no or inadequate countermeasures", they also pointed to diseases that " remain a major public health problem "and require further research. One of these diseases is West Nile fever, caused by the West Nile virus. This pathogen is currently found in some regions of Italy.

In north-eastern Italy, 20 people have already become infected with the mosquito-borne West Nile virus. Tourists should pay attention to adequate mosquito repellent. (Image: nechaevkon /

Outbreak is not brought under control

In northeastern Italy, some regions are currently fighting the West Nile virus. According to media reports, this year 20 people have already been infected with the dangerous pathogen.

A 77-year-old man is believed to have died as a result of an infection with the virus.

The local authorities seem to have difficulty controlling the outbreak.

The pathogen is transmitted via infected mosquitoes to birds, horses and humans.

Although programs to control mosquitoes have already been launched in three regions of Veneto, there are still some of the blood-sucking insects that carry the virus.

Infection can be dangerous, especially for older people

According to health experts, most people do not notice infections with the virus first described in 1937.

On average, one in five infected individuals develop flu-like symptoms. This can include fever, fatigue, vomiting, headache and muscle aches. Later, lymph node swelling sometimes occurs.

As the CRM Center for Travel Medicine explains on its website, about one-third of sufferers develop "on the chest, back and arms a rash that heals later without scaling".

Also a brain or meningitis can be added.

"The disease can be fatal, especially in the elderly," write the experts.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), on average, one in every 150 infected people suffers severe complications that can lead to death.

Protect from mosquitoes

Health experts advise in affected regions to preventive mosquito repellent.

In addition to special mosquito sprays, there are other ways that can help against annoying mosquitoes.

So you can at home or in the tent insects by mosquito nets keep away and protect yourself in the open by bright, skin-covering clothing from stings.

According to various studies, the bloodsuckers are attracted by bad smell, like sweat or smelly socks. This should therefore be avoided.

The home remedies for mosquitoes include odors such as garlic or cabbage.

The virus could also make the leap to Germany

The virus has been appearing again and again in eastern and southern Europe for several years. So far, 37 West Nile cases from EU countries have been reported to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) this year.

However, experts point out that the virus can multiply very quickly in the mosquitoes due to the currently prevailing heat. This could speed up the spread.

In the future, the pathogen could also make the leap over the Alps. Experts see the persistently high temperatures in this country with great concern. (Ad)