Attention high ozone levels measured

Attention high ozone levels measured / Health News

In several regions today warning message for rising ozone values ​​were given out. High ozone levels endanger your health.

(09.07.2010) Experience shows that rising temperatures also increase ozone levels. For example, the Bavarian State Office for the Environment today predicted an ozone value of up to 190 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Values ​​from 180 on are considered to be of concern to health µg / m3. The general alarm threshold is 240 micrograms per cubic meter of air. Critical figures were also reported from other regions in Germany. Thus, according to the State Environment Office in Recklinghausen on Thursday, the critical threshold of 180 micrograms per cubic meter was skipped. In Hamburg, values ​​of more than 187 micrograms per cubic meter were also measured in some districts (Neugraben). The ozone levels are mostly very high in conurbations and busy roads.

Doctors warn vulnerable people to do physically strenuous outdoor activities. Especially children should not play outside in the hot midday sun. Elevated or high ozone levels can be harmful to your health. So the ozone gas irritates the mucous membranes as well as the eyes. In some cases, high ozone levels can damage the respiratory tract. Other symptoms may include severe cough, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

Meanwhile, the Federal Environment Agency in Hamburg advised against endurance sports such as jogging. Citizens should rather leave their car and switch to the bike, bus or train. Anyone who still needs his car, should drive at least on highways slowly. As temperatures drop in the evening, ozone levels also decrease. Exhausting activities should therefore be postponed until the evening hours. (Sb)

Also read:
Increased ozone levels endanger your health