Attention parasites in the game meat You should note this with the preparation

Attention parasites in the game meat You should note this with the preparation / Health News

Prepare venison properly for Christmas

Wild boar, roe deer, red deer and fallow deer - in addition to the classic roast chicken, game meat is also very popular at Christmas time. However, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) warns that dangerous parasites may be present in game meat. With the right preparation but can eliminate potential health risks.

The BfR recently published a risk assessment on the infestation of wild animals with parasites. As a result, there may be health risks if the meat is not prepared properly. Wildmeat is at increased risk of developing toxoplasmosis, trichinellosis, sarcosporidosis, cysticercosis, taeniosis, echinococcosis or larval alarina.

Wild meat, which is still pink in the core, is indeed very popular, but also carries the risk that pathogens and parasites are not killed. (Image: Karepa /

With game meat a hygienic handling is particularly important

As the BfR reports, game meat is more frequently infested with pathogenic parasites. These can continue to spread on the game when cutting and gutting the carcasses and thus land in the local kitchen and there infest other foods. In addition to the parasites, the meat may also be increasingly contaminated with bacterial or viral pathogens.

Game meat is becoming increasingly popular

According to BfR, venison has become increasingly popular in Germany in recent years. In addition to the various wild roasts, raw sausages from game meat are increasingly consumed. Special caution should be exercised when eating semi-raw venison, which still has a pink core in the middle. Here there is the danger that pathogens and parasites have not yet been killed.

Properly prepared, game is a healthy meal

"Game meat and raw meat products made from it, as well as raw sausages, should only be consumed thoroughly, especially pregnant women and persons with a weakened immune system," warns BfR President Professor Dr. med. Dr. Andreas Hensel in a press release. In addition to pregnant women and immunocompromised persons, frequent-drinkers, such as hunter families, are also considered as a risk group. Basically, well-prepared game is a healthy and low-fat meal.

So have pathogens in the wild no chance

In the opinion, the BfR advises that raw venison and raw sausages and raw meat products made from them should only be consumed thoroughly cooked. For this purpose, at least a temperature of 72 degrees Celsius over a period of two minutes must be achieved in the core of the product. Then make sure that all germs and parasites have been killed. (Vb)