Lose weight Healthy rapeseed oil eats belly fat

Lose weight Healthy rapeseed oil eats belly fat / Health News
Belly fat killer: Rapeseed oil helps with weight loss
Vegetable oil may even help with weight loss, as US researchers report. For example, those who consumed rapeseed oil in the course of a study could reduce belly fat by a quarter. Rapeseed oil helps to specifically target the unhealthy belly fat.

Do not limit fat intake too much
Many people who want to reduce their weight rely on regular exercise. This is a good thing, because according to studies, Sport distributes the constant hunger. In addition, by building muscle more pounds can be broken down, which is why professionals often advise special strength training. However, nutrition is even more important in weight loss. However, it is obviously not recommended to restrict the fat intake too much. On the contrary, vegetable oil can help you lose weight.

Cold pressed oils, e.g. Rapeseed oil, are healthy. American scientists have found that rapeseed oil can help with weight loss. The unsaturated fatty acids target the belly fat. (Image: Marla / fotolia.com)

Vegetable oils against belly fat
Recently, Canadian scientists have reported that children tend to lose weight by consuming fat-rich milk because they snack less and eat less unhealthy snacks. That one does not have to do without fat, if one wants to lose weight, shows now also a study of American researchers. They report in the journal "Obesity" that herbal oils can help reduce body fat.

Rapeseed oil reduces health risks
"Abdominal fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and is also associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes," study author Penny M. Kris-Etherton of Pennsylvania State University said in a report in the journal "Eurek Alert ". "Simple unsaturated fats in rapeseed oil reduce this fat, which has adverse health effects."

In their study, the team of scientists had studied the effects of diet with certain vegetable oils on 101 obese subjects. The participants, who were divided into several groups, received two smoothies each day, mixed with corn, linseed or three different types of rapeseed oil.

Unsaturated fatty acids target belly fat
It turned out that those who consumed rapeseed oil had lost a quarter of a pound of belly fat after a month, and that the weight had not spread elsewhere on the body, such as the hips or buttocks.

"As a general rule, you can not target specific areas of the body," says Kris-Etherton. "But simple unsaturated fatty acids seem to specifically target belly fat."

More popular than sunflower and olive oil
The benefits of rapeseed oil have also been found in other studies. According to German scientists, it is even better for some people than olive oil. Researchers from the German Institute for Nutrition Research (DIfE) in Potsdam-Rehbrücke have found that rapeseed oil can improve cholesterol and liver values ​​even more.

In addition, pediatricians have long pointed out that rapeseed oil is ideal for baby porridge, as it contains, among other things, a high proportion of fat-soluble vitamins and valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

According to the consumer information service aid, rapeseed oil now sells more than sunflower and olive oil. (Ad)