Slimming camouflaged fatteners lead to obesity

Slimming camouflaged fatteners lead to obesity / Health News

Lots of sugar and fat: Obesity due to hidden fattening in food

More and more Germans are too fat. In most cases, overweight is due to an unhealthy lifestyle with little exercise and high energy food. Another problem is that in many foods camouflaged fattening are.

More and more people in Germany are too fat

According to health experts, more and more obese people are living in Germany. Above all, this is due to much too much sugar consumption. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a maximum of six teaspoons of sugar per day. On average, the Germans absorb almost twice the amount. This also has to do with the hidden sugar in food. Gudrun Köster knows that, too. The nutrition expert at the Verbraucherzentrale Schleswig-Holstein explains in an interview why modern finished products harm our health.

Many foods, such as cereals, often contain large amounts of sugar. Often it is not so easy to recognize the hidden fattening. (Image: yuliiaholovchenko /

Highly processed foods

The number of people with obesity or obesity has been rising steadily for years.

According to Gudrun Köster, this also has to do with the fact that a large part of the food is heavily processed and contains a lot of sugar and fat.

Typical examples are quick meals, fruit yoghurt, salad dressings and cereals.

"These products do not look like many calories are in it. For example, 100 grams of oatmeal has 370 calories. In the same amount of ready-to-eat cereal, it's up to 100 calories more, "says the nutrition expert.

The high energy content is often disguised with too small portions. For example, the calorie count on some cereal packs is given as 40 grams.

According to Köster, that is much less than most people would fill in their cereal bowl. For other finished products it looks similar.

Recognize camouflaged fattening

When asked how camouflaged fattening can be detected, Köster replied: "If you want to lose weight, you should pay attention to the nutrition labeling when shopping. Few people are aware that they often consume the same amount of sugar and fat with the barbecue sauce or the finished salad dressing as they do with sweets. "

According to the expert, a processed food traffic light label that shows the sugar, fat and salt content on the front of the package would be a step ahead.

For example, Mueslis would tell you at a glance which product contains a lot of sugar and is not suitable for losing weight.

High sugar content in slimming products

Gudrun Köster sees the mostly intensively advertised slimming products very critically. "The idea is to replace one to two meals a day with a powder shake," said the expert.

"But there are big differences in the nutritional value of the products. The sugar content of some is alarmingly high. The powder of Slim Fast, for example, consists of about half of sugar, with Almased it is almost a third. "

According to the information, a finished Slim Fast Shake thus contains seven cubes of sugar, an Almased Drink still five.

According to the nutrition expert, this is almost as if you were drinking cola to lose weight.

A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is definitely the better way.

change nourishment

Even special weight loss programs promise quick success. But how useful are diets?

Gudrun Köster points out that some people, for example, by a low-carb diet in a short time lose weight, but when they return to their old habits, usually come back to the kilos.

You can only stay slim if you recognize your own weak points and change your diet accordingly.

"It is important for the enduring, that the nutrition fits the personal everyday life. Of course, the calorie requirement plays an important role. As you age, the body uses less calories. Anyone who then feeds as before, is increasing, "explained Köster.

Remove obesity

But how can overweight be reduced or avoided? "The calorie requirement can be increased at any age with more exercise. You do not have to go to the gym right away, "said the nutrition expert.

It also brings something, if you walk more frequently in everyday life, ride a bike or climb stairs.

There are different reasons for being overweight. In addition to lack of exercise can also lead to large portions of the food, sweet drinks or high-calorie snacks in front of the TV cause you get fat.

"Anyone who manages to get on the track and change their own fattening habits successfully decreases and stays lean," says Köster. (Ad)