Losing weight for your own potency Can type 2 diabetes also trigger impaired functioning?

Losing weight for your own potency Can type 2 diabetes also trigger impaired functioning? / Health News

Type 2 diabetes as the cause of erectile dysfunction?

An English research team recently found a link between type 2 diabetes and potency disorders in a large-scale analysis. According to the researchers, diabetes is genetically linked to erectile dysfunction. The results suggest that remission of diabetes is also associated with a decline in potency disorders.

Researchers from the University of Exeter and the University of Oxford found in a genome analysis of more than 220,000 men that there is a genetic link between type 2 diabetes and erectile dysfunction. The study results were recently presented in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

New hope for diabetics with potency problems: Researchers found a genetic link between erectile dysfunction and type 2 diabetes. (Image: Syda Productions / fotolia.com)

Erection problems due to diabetes

Using state-of-the-art genetic analysis, the English research team was able to delve deeper into the complex relationships between diabetes and genetic predispositions than ever before. They found that a genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes is associated with erectile dysfunction. According to the researchers, this is an indication that diabetes can be a cause of erectile problems.

Genetic link between diabetes and erectile dysfunction

"At least one in five men over the age of 60 suffers from erectile dysfunction," explains study author Dr. Anna Murray in a press release on the study results. Little is known about the reasons for this. The research team has now confirmed that a genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes is related to erectile dysfunction.

Improve potency with weight loss

"Our understanding is important because diabetes is preventable and can actually achieve remission of diabetes with weight loss," explains study author Professor Michael Holmes of the University of Oxford. The team suggests that people who lower their diabetes risk by living a healthier lifestyle can also prevent the development of erectile dysfunction.

Clear evidence is yet to come

So far, the team could only prove that there is a genetic link between the two complaints. The clear evidence that type 2 diabetes is indeed the cause of erectile dysfunction has yet to be confirmed by further research. "So far, there is no definitive evidence that a predisposition to type 2 diabetes causes erectile dysfunction," says co-author Dr. Jonas Bovijn of the University of Oxford. (Vb)

More information: The best tips and home remedies for potency disorders.