The best home remedies for heartburn

The best home remedies for heartburn /

What to do in case of heartburn?

There are numerous home remedies for heartburn that we would like to introduce in this article. The symptoms are caused by an excess of stomach acid. Our gastric juice is naturally very acidic in order to successfully carry out its tasks, namely the comminution of food and the killing of microorganisms. If this is completely suppressed with chemical acid blockers, pathogenic germs can more easily penetrate the body and, moreover, indigestion can occur. Read how home remedies can reduce stomach hyperacidity and treat acute and chronic heartburn.


  • What to do in case of heartburn?
  • The best home remedies for heartburn at a glance
  • First aid for heartburn: chamomile tea
  • Instructions: Rollkur with chamomile tea
  • Quick relief from medicinal plants
  • Artichoke and potato juice
  • Especially important: pay attention to the right diet
  • Homeopathy for heartburn
  • Self-treatment with healing earth and Schüssler salts
  • Stress-related heartburn: Ensure relaxation

The best home remedies for heartburn at a glance

In case of an unpleasant reflux of gastric acid, medicines do not always have to be used. Rather, there are a number of natural centers that can alleviate the discomfort. Many of them can be found in the kitchen or in the garden and can therefore be applied quickly and easily. Good home remedies for heartburn include:

  • Camomile tea
  • Melissa tea
  • gruel
  • artichoke
  • potato juice
  • White cabbage juice
  • Heilerde
Chamomile is one of the best home remedies for heartburn. The medicinal plant calms and relaxes the stomach and has an anti-inflammatory effect. (Image: aidart /

First aid for heartburn: chamomile tea

Chamomile is a real asset to any medicine cabinet and in many ways a good home remedy, as it is versatile inside and out. In use against heartburn, we make use of their anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antispasmodic property. In the acute case, a cup of chamomile tea has a calming and relaxing effect on the stomach. When the stomach is constantly acidified, the gastric mucous membrane is soon irritated and sooner or later it is attacked by inflammation.

A roll cure with chamomile tea can provide relief at the first signs of nausea, stomach pressure and pain.

Prepare a cup of tea by pouring a tablespoon of real chamomile flowers with 150 ml of hot water. Let the infusion draw for five to ten minutes. If you have an acute condition, swallow the tea in a sip, but it should not be too hot.

Instructions: Rollkur with chamomile tea

For the Rollkur, which should be carried out daily for at least one week, take at least 20 minutes. You need two cups of chamomile tea and a place to lie down. The purpose of the Rollkur is to moisten as much gastric mucosa as possible with the tea to increase the healing effect. Drink a few sips and lie on your back. After about five minutes, take chamomile tea again and turn to the right side. In this way change the position to the prone position and finally to the left side.

You can mentally support the effect by imagining soothing images, such as from a beautiful (holiday) place in nature. Intentionally breathing longer than one, deepens the inner peace and strengthens the relaxing effect on the stomach.

Quick relief from medicinal plants

Not only chamomile can provide valuable help with heartburn. If the symptoms are due to an irritable stomach, an infusion of melissa (Melissa officialis) may have a calming effect. This should be drunk in the evening in the evening at bedtime or in case of acute complaints or stress.

Teem mixtures or teas with medicinal plants such as, for example, have proved their worth

  • yarrow,
  • fennel,
  • Anise and cumin.

The real meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a very old herb that Hildegard von Bingen used in her famous herbal medicine. Meadowsweet is considered one of the best herbs for digestive problems, because the valuable ingredients can reduce the acidity of the body and, among other things, relieve pain and inflammation.

For a Meadowsweet tea, pour one to two teaspoons of the herb with a quarter liter of boiling water. After ten minutes, they brew off the infusion and drink a cup of it twice a day. Due to the contained aspirin-like substance salicylic acid, use of the herb should be avoided in case of hypersensitivity, asthma and during pregnancy.

Artichoke and potato juice

An effective home remedy for feelings of fullness and heartburn is the artichoke (Cynara scolymus), which promotes the process of digestion and supports liver and bile. The juice of raw potatoes can also help, as this (taken before eating) can bind excess stomach acid.

Especially important: pay attention to the right diet

Most people know which foods or preparation methods cause them burning upper abdominal pain, which often rises above the neck to the throat. These should be avoided as far as possible in the diet. Although the intolerances can be very individual, there are still foods and stimulants that cause a gastric acidosis and promote heartburn. This includes:

  • tobacco smoke
  • alcoholic beverages (especially wine)
  • coffee
  • Sausages, pickles and smoked goods
  • spicy spices such as Chili, pepper, garlic, mustard or horseradish
Often a cure with oatmeal helps to calm the stomach. (Image: A_Lein /

It is known an over acidifying effect of white flour products and some sweets. In addition, little open-minded foods, ie raw foods of any kind, cause an excess of acid. In contrast, usually cooked vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, are well digestible. Porridge, which is ideally made without milk and sugar, is probably one of the best known home remedies for heartburn. Here is to try and create a personal plan.

In order to get the complaints under control in the long term, it is important to reduce or avoid obesity. The dinner should not be taken too late, because late meal or small snacks just before going to bed can quickly overload the stomach and cause unpleasant discomfort. Since lavish portions may overwhelm the sphincter of the esophagus, it is better to take several small meals rather than a few over the day.

Chewing sugarless chewing gum helps stimulate salivation and neutralize the acid in the stomach. Those who are prone to heartburn, should not lie down after eating, but take an upright posture. Because it is purely physically difficult for gastric acid to flow back into the esophagus (reflux).

It is important to critically review your own eating habits: instead of snatching and hastily eating, they should take their time for their meals and enjoy them consciously. Thorough and extensive chewing ("fletching") helps to develop a better sense of satiety, to stimulate digestion and therefore to relieve the gastrointestinal tract. Since carbonated drinks can promote discomfort, it is advisable to use still water or e.g. Juice spritzer without carbonation to change.

Homeopathy for heartburn

In homeopathy, there are a variety of remedies that are used in stomach burning. A small selection can be found with

  • Nux vomica,
  • Robinia and
  • Acidum sulphicum.

Often nervous, ambitious people are affected who work predominantly while sitting and are mentally active. They are considered irritable and choleric in their environment. In order to sustain the high workload, these strained people tend to use stimulants. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and headache tablets. These are designed to eliminate fatigue and tension, but ultimately aggravate their complaints, which includes frequent heartburn. People who find themselves in this description can help with relief Nux vomica D6 Find.

Reflux can be very uncomfortable. Schüssler salts and homeopathy can help alleviate the discomfort. (Image: Artem Furman /

Strong stomach burning, stomach pressure and acid regurgitation, which occurs especially at night, can Robinia D6 be the appropriate agent. The acid gets in the mouth when belching and makes the teeth dull. In many cases, the burning, which occurs especially after greasy meals, accompanied by headaches. Forehead and temples are affected.

A burning, painful sensation behind the sternum and sour eructation that occurs in very impatient people suggests Acidum sulphicum D6 if there is an aversion to cold drinks and coffee odor, but there is a craving for alcohol. Alcohol consumption can even relieve the symptoms. Other indications are dull teeth, shivering, nausea and vomiting.

Self-treatment with healing earth and Schüssler salts

Other proven self-treatment agents are white cabbage juice and healing clay, which is stirred in water or taken in capsule form.

Schüssler salts are often recommended in naturopathic practice. In particular sodium phosphoricum (No. 9) is considered, which is also called the "salt of the metabolism". This ensures a balance of acids and bases in the body and thus has a calming effect on an over-acidified stomach. However, it relieves constant regurgitation and helps in the removal of excess stomach acid. The salt no. 23 (sodium bicarbonicum) is also very suitable here, as it has a regulating effect on the metabolism and can bind and neutralize excess acid.

According to a recent study, curative water with hydrogen carbonate can help against sore throats. Like the German Heilbrunnen in the association German Mineralbrunnen e. V. inform, could thus alleviate a healing water from about 1,300 mg of bicarbonate per liter of the symptoms. This should ideally be consumed 1.5 to two liters a day, preferably before and during meals or in case of acute symptoms.

There are many more tips and home remedies for self-treatment for refluxing heartburn that can be effectively applied at home. If, however, there are repeated complaints or if they become more severe despite the use of home remedies, organic damage caused by a doctor should be ruled out.

Often, negative stress and hectic are the trigger for the stomach problems. Relaxation exercises like yoga can help to bring more peace of mind. (Image: WavebreakMediaMicro /

Stress-related heartburn: Ensure relaxation

Often it is stress, inner turmoil and hectic rush that literally "hit our stomach" and cause stomachaches, digestive problems or heartburn. Relaxation therefore plays a central role in long-term relief of the symptoms. It is important that you become aware of their needs and personal limits in order not to overstrain yourself in everyday life, to handle conflicts and be able to say "stop" in time.

Different relaxation techniques and stress reduction techniques can help you get to know yourself better and find more peace and inner balance. For example, meditation, yoga, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation are possible. (last updated on March 26, 2016; jvs, nr)

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