The best home remedies for bronchitis

The best home remedies for bronchitis /
Bronchitis is not just a simple cough, it is usually due to a viral upper respiratory infection that has spread downwards. Maybe a cold was delayed, which then bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi) could develop. At the beginning viral infection later a bacterial infection can be added. Not always equal prescription drugs are needed. Home remedies for bronchitis liquefy the mucus, facilitate coughing and reduce rattling cough, strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition. They can also accelerate the healing together with a conventional medical therapy.


  • Various chest wraps
  • thyme essence
  • Cough syrup - homemade
  • Inhale
  • Teerezepte
  • nutrition
  • Healing quince soup
  • Strengthen defenses
  • Borstige Taiga root
  • coneflower
  • horseradish
  • Sufficient sleep
  • General Tips

If a cough does not improve after one week and / or if general symptoms such as fatigue, fever, headache and body aches are added, it is advisable to go to the doctor. Also, a longer, general malaise should be investigated more closely. In case of hemoptysis, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

If you have a severe cough associated with pain and persistent coughing for a long time, a doctor should consult your lungs - it may be bronchitis, or perhaps pneumonia. (Image: Aaron Amat /

Various chest wraps

Breast wraps are simple home remedies for bronchitis. They are easy to use and have an expectorant effect, quenching the throat and anti-inflammatory. All reels should be laid while lying down, at rest, possibly covered.

Chest wrap with cottage cheese

A breast wrap with cottage cheese helps with tight cough and coughing. On a cotton cloth is applied in the middle from one end to the other quark, then the cloth hit from both sides. So that the whole thing is not too cold, the wrap is warmed for a few minutes on the heater or a hot water bottle. Then the chest wrap is placed around the upper body so that the spine is free. There is another cloth and finally a wool scarf. In addition, a hot water bottle or a heated spelled or cherry stone cushion is placed on the ribs on the left and right. The wrap may remain in adults for as long as it is felt to be comfortable.

Chest wrap with hot lemon juice

This home remedy for bronchitis is only suitable for sufferers who have an intact, insensitive skin. The wrap helps with a tight cough. For this, the juice of a lemon is mixed with half a liter of hot water. A cloth soaked with it then serves as a chest wrap. But beware - the heat should be pleasant. About the cotton cloth is still another and finally a wool scarf. In case of itching or discomfort, the wound should be removed immediately. Otherwise, this can be worn for a maximum of one hour. The skin is then best treated with a nourishing cream.

Breast wrap with potatoes

Potatoes keep the heat very long. When donning, caution is required. Four to six potatoes are cooked in bowl and then wrapped in a kitchen towel and crushed with a fist or a rolling pin. The potato paste on a cotton cloth, the ends are beaten and the potato wrap is ready. This is still fixed with a woolen cloth. The wrap can stay as long as it is comfortable, even overnight.

Propolis contained in beeswax is a valuable raw material that has antiviral and antibacterial properties. The contained flavonoids promote wound healing in respiratory diseases. It can be used not only as a wrap, but also as a coughing pastille. (Image:
Anusorn /

Breast wrap with beeswax

Finished packs with beeswax and a piece of raw wool are available at every pharmacy. Beeswax has a soothing effect, expels mucous and exudes a very pleasant smell. This edition is warmed with a hair dryer and then applied to the skin. Above that comes the raw wool. The whole thing is fixed with a silk or woolen scarf. The wrap stays there as long as this is desired.

Breast wrap with thyme tea

If the bronchitis is accompanied by a convulsive cough, the breast wrap, soaked in thyme tea, helps. For this, a tea is prepared from two teaspoons of thyme herb and half a liter of boiling water, which should last for between five and ten minutes. So a cotton cloth is soaked and, if this is not so hot, placed around the chest. On top of that come another cotton cloth and a woolen scarf. As soon as the wrap is cold, it will be removed.

Chest wrap with onions

Onions are not often used for wrapping because of their smell, but they are really worth a try. Because onions are able to pull the inflammation out of the body. Here's how it's done: chop two onions, heat them over the steam, smash them into a cloth and then lay them on the chest, cover them with another cloth and keep warm with a woolen cloth. The wrap can stay there for at least one hour.

Lavender can relax the muscles in case of bronchitis. It can also increase the number of leukocytes (important for the immune system) in the body when used continuously. (Image: Anton Gvozdikov /

Breast wrap with lavender oil

Lavender oil not only smells good, but also helps to cough up and has an antispasmodic effect. For the wrap is best used a ten percent lavender oil from the pharmacy. The inner cloth is soaked with the warm lavender oil and used as a support. On top come some warmed raw wool or cotton wool and then a woolen scarf. The wrap can be left for a few hours.

thyme essence

Thyme is a great herb not only for cough and respiratory problems. The Thyme contains over 200 varieties, while the real thyme is the most commonly used in this country. Thyme ensures that the unpleasant mucus can cough up better. Thyme is also good as a tea to dissolve mucus.

Recipe for thyme tincture

  • Put the herbs in a glass with a screw cap, leave some space
  • Add 150 ml of high-proof alcohol to the herbs, cover them
  • Let stand for 4 to 6 weeks in a warm place, occasionally shaking
  • Put the tincture through a coffee filter, pour into a dark bottle
  • Take 20 drops several times a day, drink enough
  • Tincture lingers in a cool place for years
  • Alcohol-free version: replace alcohol with apple cider vinegar
So beautiful purple looks the real thyme only in full bloom. It grows wild in many regions of Europe. Thyme oil has antibacterial and antiviral effects on respiratory diseases such as bronchitis. (Image: Kisa_Markiza /

Cough syrup - homemade

Onion juice is a home remedy that our grandmothers have used for cough and bronchitis. For onion juice, finely chop an onion (medicinal plant of the year 2015) and mix with two tablespoons of honey. This mixture will remain at room temperature for a few hours. Then the cough syrup is ready. If you do not have that much time, cook the chopped onion in 125 milliliters of water for about ten minutes. Depending on the severity of the complaints, the juice can be taken up to once an hour - one teaspoon full. Attention: Only cough suppressants may be given in the evening before going to sleep, expectorant cough syrup is only for the day. In a separate article you will find more cough suppressants as a home remedy.


To dissolve the mucus and relieve coughing, it is advisable to inhale twice a day. This is best done with sea salt or Himalayan salt, which is inexpensive but still effective. We recommend a 0.9% saline solution. This means that nine grams of salt are added per liter of water. The head is bent over a - filled with hot salt water - bowl and covered with a towel. Then inhale the vapor for about ten minutes. The salt-water solution humidifies the respiratory tract and the salt binds toxins that can then be coughed off.


Herbal teas were among the common home remedies for bronchitis. However, attention should be paid to the right mix. The following prescriptions are for the acute phase of the disease and may be refined with some honey, if desired.

Breast wraps based on quark, potatoes beeswax and other active ingredients can significantly relieve the symptoms of acute bronchitis. (Image: InPixKommunikation /

Tea recipe 1: Against the urge to cough

Injured fennel fruits, lungwort, ribwort leaves and coltsfoot leaves are mixed in equal parts. For a large cup of tea (250 ml), one teaspoon of the mixture is brewed with boiling water. After twenty minutes the tea is ready.

Tea recipe 2: expectorant and antitussive

The tea consists of 20 grams of marshmallow root, 40 grams of Icelandic moss and 40 grams of licorice root (medicinal plant 2014). Two teaspoons are brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water. The brewing time is ten minutes.

Tea recipe 3: For dry cough

Ten grams of aniseed fruit, 20 grams of coltsfoot leaves, 20 grams of Icelandic moss and ten grams of licorice root are mixed together. For a cup of tea, pour a teaspoon full of about 250 milliliters of boiling water and straighten after ten minutes.


To liquefy the mucus, a sufficient amount of drinking is important. Still water and herbal tea are the right drinks for bronchitis. Since dairy products can aggravate a mucilage, these are to be reduced, but especially pure milk is completely deleted from the diet. In case of respiratory disease, light diet is also recommended. These include fruits, steamed vegetables and soups. Those who like to eat hot can enrich the soup with a piece of ginger (medicinal plant of the year 2018). Ginger warms, has anti-inflammatory effects and strengthens the immune system. Also, the anti-inflammatory substance allicin, which is contained in garlic, can be helpful. If you do not like to eat raw garlic, you can refine a vegetable soup. To achieve an effect, however, at least two toes should be used daily. There are also many other home remedies that solve the cough slime.

The quince is an old medicinal plant, which has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and blood-forming effect in bronchitis. It has the shape of an apple, but the shell is much furry. (Image: orestligetka /

Healing quince soup

A home remedy of our grandmothers, which they have used in bronchitis, is the quince soup. In addition to vitamin C and zinc, quince also contains a large amount of mucilage, which acts as a protection for the upper respiratory tract. The following ingredients are needed for this healing soup:

300 grams of quince, a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a carrot, a tablespoon of olive oil, 40 grams of spring onions, three teaspoons of cane sugar, a little salt and pepper. The quinces are washed, quartered, their core removed and drizzled with the lemon juice. The oil is heated in the pot, the spring onions are cut into fine rings and steamed in the oil. Add to that the sugar and the carrot cut into pieces. After about five minutes, add a liter of water and a little salt and pepper. The quince soup should then simmer for about half an hour before being pureed and then served. Good Appetite!

Strengthen defenses

If they suffer from increased susceptibility to infections again and again, the entire immune system should be sustainably strengthened. In the first place there are enough sunlight (supplement with vitamin D in winter!) And exercise. The natural sunlight provides increased activity of the T lymphocytes, which serve to ward off infections. Very important is a good social environment with as little stress as possible. Sufficient sleep is also needed and, furthermore, vitamin C is an important element to strengthen the body's defenses.

Inhaling counteracts bronchitis. (Image: Martin Christ /

In addition to cold showering at the end of the shower, frequent use of the sauna and the adequate ventilation of our living rooms also help. Only with frequent ventilation can we minimize the concentration of fungi and bacteria in humid living areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. Change foot baths are also good for increasing the body's defenses. Not to be neglected is of course a healthy and varied diet with as many vegetables as possible.

Garlic, ginger, turmeric and onions in particular help the body to form important substances to fight pathogens. Even herbs like rosemary, sage and thyme can be used as radical scavengers in the body. Secondary plant substances as antioxidants are particularly valuable. Especially many such substances are contained in wild herbs, nuts and vegetables. They can strengthen the immune system.

Borstige Taiga root

Only when the above steps have been taken for a stronger immune system, we can further strengthen the immune response of our body with the help of some special medicinal plants. The taiga root (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is also known as Siberian ginseng. The contained eleutherosides and saponins stimulate the body's immune system pleasantly. It is an adaptogenic medicinal plant. The taiga root can be processed in dried root form as a tea, it is also available as an extract and in ground pill form commercially. The taiga root can be taken for three months, followed by a break of four weeks, after which the intake can be continued.

Siberian ginseng is particularly helpful for chronic bronchitis, as it contains a strong immunomodulatory effect. (Image: daksun /


The real coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) can be drunk as a tea blend or taken as an essence. He plays an important role in Native American medicine. The contained echinacosides have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The immunomodulatory effect of the medicinal plant occurs only when the Echinacea is often used. Likewise, monkshood, thuja and mistletoe are valuable plant immune modulators, which strengthen the immune system with frequent use.


The well-known horseradish also helps against bronchitis. The contained essential oils
dissolve the mucus in the bronchial tubes, making it easier to cough up. They also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The root can be consumed as a home-made cough syrup or fresh as a side dish. For the cough syrup mix with equal proportions of pressed garlic and chopped onion. Mix this mixture with equal amount of honey and dilute slowly with a little water. If necessary, take a tablespoon of juice several times a day, which will quench the acute coughing.

Sufficient sleep

It sounds easy, and yet it is a common problem. Especially when we are ill, our body needs more rest to repair the damaged immune system at night. A person suffering from bronchitis should sleep much more than in a healthy condition. A nap is especially recommended.

The stronger the bronchitis, the more important is fresh air. This helps to lift the humidity and reduce the concentration of germs in the breathing air. Brief but often air, preferably every hour. (Image: Gina Sanders /

General Tips

So that the respiratory system is not too dry, a humid room climate is necessary. Moist wipes, which are hung up in the apartment and constantly renewed, help here. Similarly, shallow dishes with the largest possible evaporation surface (e.g., flower bed, casserole dishes) can be placed on the radiators to increase humidity. Very important is a high humidity in the bedroom, only so the cilia in the nose can also filter pathogens from the air. If our airways are too dry, the mucous membranes become susceptible to pathogens. Apart from the fact that smoking is generally very unhealthy, it is recommended in respiratory diseases absolutely to refrain from it. The body is additionally burdened by the smoke, the healing is delayed.

It is also pleasant to occasionally place an aroma lamp with a little eucalyptus, thyme and / or tea tree oil. Eucalyptus and thyme facilitate coughing, with tea tree oil purifying the air of pathogens. With a mixture, one drop of each oil is enough. Care must be taken to ensure the quality of the essential oils. An aroma lamp should not burn constantly. After two hours, our olfactory organ needs a break from it. Caution, eucalyptus oil should not be used on children.

In case of severe discomfort, fever, shortness of breath or if the general condition is poor, urgent medical attention should be sought, because acute chronic bronchitis may develop into chronic form and there is a risk of pneumonia. (sw, dp, updated 03/10/2018)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)