The best home remedies for earache

The best home remedies for earache /
Natural home remedies for earache
Home remedies can be used effectively for earache if serious illnesses have been ruled out. Sudden pain usually manifests itself in acute otitis media (otitis). Otitis media, which is associated with severe discomfort and fever, should be evaluated by a specialist and, if necessary, treated with an antibiotic. With uncomplicated inflammation in the ear or accompanying the medical treatment, for example, a simple onion wrap or heat treatments from naturopathy can help to get rid of the pain in the ear.


  • First aid for earache: Onionsäckchen, rest and a lot of drinking
  • Heat treatments for earache
  • Cold wraps on ear diseases
  • Herbal tea for earache
  • General measures for earache
  • Prevention of earache

First aid for earache: Onionsäckchen, rest and a lot of drinking

Envelopes and wraps with onions are one of the best-known home remedies for otitis media and ear pain. Onions contain strong-smelling essential oils, which are also responsible for the eye tears when cutting onions. These oils have an antibacterial effect, stimulate the metabolism and loosen tight mucus. Covering the onion cover creates heat, which relieves the pain. Especially the strongly disinfecting mustard oils counteract the inflammation in the ear.

The onion is a proven home remedy for earache. It acts by the mustard oils contained antibacterial, thereby helping in the fight against inflammation. (Image: Mara Zemgaliete /

For a simple onion wrap, onions are finely chopped and placed on a piece of cloth, e.g. Bandage, distributed and attached directly behind the ear. With a cap or another cloth, the envelope can be attached and so act for about half an hour. Alternatively, an old stocking can be filled with pieces of onion or a raw onion slice can be placed behind the ear.

The versatile vegetables can also be processed into ear drops. For this raw onion pieces are squeezed through a garlic press, the juice bottled in a pipette bottle and a teaspoon of fresh juice dripped into the aching ear. With a cotton ball "sealed" the juice remains in the ear, which is protected at the same time from cold drafts. Instead, a few drops of garlic juice can be used. For internal use, an onion tea is made quickly. A whole peeled onion is boiled for a while in two cups of water. Then simply remove the onion and sweeten with a little honey as needed.

In order to support the healing process, should be consumed as much as possible in earache. If the patient has a fever, he loses additional fluid by sweating, whereby the balancing of the water balance is particularly important. In the event of an infection, it is essential to keep the bed safe and to allow the body sufficient sleep and rest to activate the self-healing powers and to quickly recover.

Since heat relieves the pain, it is recommended to cover the ears in the home with a cap or a headband. If the pain intensifies or if no improvement is foreseen and / or if fever occurs in parallel, a visit to the doctor is essential.

Heat treatments for earache

Especially with lighter complaints is often the desire for warming measures. Then applications of heat therapy from naturopathy are suitable.

Ear steam is recommended as a home remedy for chronic ailments. For the application you need a kettle, on the spout of a rubber hose we pulled. Now while the water in the kettle is heated on the stove, keeping the hose for vaporizing with a safe distance to the diseased ear.

A warm envelope can be made from finely ground mustard flour which is mixed with warm water into a slurry and applied to a piece of cloth or cell dressing. The mustard flour cover should not be applied more than once a day for a maximum of 15 minutes because its pungent-smelling essential oils can greatly irritate the skin. With strong burning it is also prematurely to remove.

Other warm or hot applications that are suitable for the treatment of earache include linseed or camomile cakes, warm oil or fenugreek pads.

Cold wraps on ear diseases

Only with fresh inflammation or if aversion to heat is felt, can a cooler Prießnitz surcharge be preferred to the ear. A cloth made of linen, cotton toweling fabric is soaked in very cold water and wrung out well. The cloth is folded and wrapped again with a second cloth and finally held by a wool cap on the ear. The feet and the rest of the body must be kept warm with hot water bottles.

At the onset of inflammation, a cold healing dermis can be applied by mixing healing clay powder with cold water into a slurry and spreading it on a cotton or linen towel. The envelope is applied with the moist side behind the ear and left there until it dries. A gentler effect is achieved when loam or healing earth are first applied as a neck wrap and only later the envelope takes place directly on the ear.

With a beginning ear infection, a cold wrap with healing earth can help. (Image: PhotoSG /

Herbal tea for earache

As herbal tea is suitable for inflammation, a mixture of lime blossom, angelica root, Attichwurzel and elderflower. This sweaty tea is especially recommended for feverish colds with concomitant earache. Mullein and peppermint are also considered to be effective medicinal plants for aching ears.

A proven home remedy is freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice, which is drunk mixed with honey water and glucose. In addition to these medically effective drinks, care should always be taken to ensure adequate water supply.

General measures for earache

In most cases, acute inflammation of the ear also causes fever, fatigue, and other symptoms of cold such as colds. Headache or dizziness. In natural medicine, general measures are recommended to relieve the organism and to support its self-healing powers. These include severe bed rest and fasting with diluted juices in the first few days of the disease. Regular intestinal enemas or mild laxative herbal teas (such as senna leaves) are designed to channel toxins out of the body. As a defensive measure of the body fever is indeed desired, but very high temperatures should be cooled down with nocturnal calf rolls.

Prevention of earache

To prevent it, it is advisable to avoid cold wind and drafts in the area of ​​the head and to dry the ear entrances carefully after washing their hair or swimming. If you go swimming frequently, you should use a swimming cap or earplug for protection as a precaution, as water in the ears can allow bacteria to penetrate faster. In addition, the chlorine in the water irritates the ear canal skin and thus promotes inflammation.

It is important to clean the ears properly. Do not use cotton buds, as these may favor inflammation of the ear. (Image: fpic /

Important is the right care. Do not use cotton swabs to clean them, as they will either remove too much protective earwax or push it deeper into it, which can cause blockage of the ear canal. Since a natural self-cleaning of the ears usually takes place, it is sufficient if the auricle is carefully cleaned with a damp cloth. Does this process work e.g. due to particularly crooked ear canals or earwax is perceived as very unpleasant, a professional cleaning by the ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is the right way.

In case of a cold, care should be taken that the nasal secretions run off sufficiently to prevent the germs from spreading to the ear canals. There are numerous opportunities for self-treatment from naturopathy ready.

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing practice, is recommended for the prophylaxis of earache, daily to drip a drop of sesame or almond oil in each ear. As always in the prevention of infections, it is also in the middle ear inflammation to sustainably strengthen the body's immune system. (Updated on 19.7.2016, jvs, nr)