The best home remedies for middle ear infection

The best home remedies for middle ear infection /

Effective home remedies for the treatment of a middle ear infection

A middle ear infection is usually a very painful affair, which usually heals on its own within a few days. However, the following simple and proven home remedies can alleviate the pain. In case of severe discomfort, as well as in babies and small children, a doctor should always be consulted as a precautionary measure in order to have the appropriate medication at hand. Naturopathy knows supporting home remedies for the treatment of acute otitis media (otitis media acuta), which often cause a significant relief of the symptoms within a very short time.


  • Effective home remedies for the treatment of a middle ear infection
  • What helps with earache? A quick overview
  • First aid for ear infection: Onionsäckchen
  • Potato bags as an alternative to the onion bag
  • Heat as a therapy for earache
  • Natural help through homeopathy
  • Roses and melissa against ear noises
  • Cantharidenpflaster for the discharge of toxins
  • Note on the use of home remedies for otitis media

What helps with earache? A quick overview

Onion bags have become established as a quick and simple home remedy. Also potato sacks or onion socks can contribute to pain relief. Warm envelopes or a red light lamp can also help. Against unpleasant ear noises can provide a support with roses and lemon balm for remedy. A tea from balm blooms can contribute to well-being. A Cantharidenpflaster available in the pharmacy can support the body in the healing process.

First aid for ear infection: Onionsäckchen

The essential oils of the onion have an antibacterial effect. An onion bag is the best-known home remedy for earache and has proven itself as a home remedy for middle ear inflammation. It has a metabolism-stimulating and expectorant effect. In addition, the heat generated in the bag relieves the pain. The onion bag is also suitable for toddlers. In adults it can be supplemented optionally with garlic and chamomile. Here is a detailed guide on how to make onion bags.

Make onion bag

  • One to two onions are minced and grated and spread on two linen towels, handkerchiefs or diapers made of cloth
  • Fold the cloths together and place the compresses on each ear
  • Then tie a cloth, headband or thin scarf around the head or put on a cap to fix the pads
The Onionsäckchen is a proven home remedy for middle ear infections. (Image: Jürgen Fälchle /

Most children sleep on the affected side. In this case, the compress - tied into an onion bag - gently pushed under the ear. The effect intensifies when the bag is heated a little above hot water vapor before. Leave it under it for about half an hour, checking again and again that the child is not turning and the little package is lying correctly and not slipping. If the children lie on the onions, the vapors can be better activated by the resulting heat. This can be repeated several times a day. Another option is to fry the pieces of onion until glassy and pack them warm into the bag.

Potato bags as an alternative to the onion bag

Similar to the onion bag, potatoes can also be used. These are cooked soft and crushed. Then put the stamping in a linen cloth and let it cool a bit. Place the still slightly warm cloth with the potatoes on the affected ear for about half an hour.

Of course, onion bags and potato bags also work with heat, which often has a positive effect. Alternatively, this influence can be used with a middle ear inflammation by a red light lamp. Caution is advised that the lamp is not too close and too long on the body, or on the ear, so it does not get too hot for those affected.

Middle ear infection in children. (Image: Henrie / fotolia)

Heat as a therapy for earache

Even a warm cloth, which is placed on the aching ear, can contribute to the relief. It should be noted that the cloth is not heated too much, otherwise it may cause burns to the skin. It is best to hold the cloth close to your own cheek to check if you can put the cloth on yourself or your child.

Also, the irradiation of a red light lamp can help with earache. The aching ear should be irradiated for ten to fifteen minutes. In children, the duration should not last longer than five minutes at the beginning and can then be increased slowly as needed. For smaller children, this method is less suitable because they often can not sit still long. In order to avoid possible burns, the child should be observed during the heat treatment. If there are signs of skin redness, the radiation must be stopped. In case of doubt, a doctor should be asked if the red light application is suitable.

Irradiation with red light can help alleviate earache. (Image: Jürgen Fälchle /

Natural help through homeopathy

Homeopathy offers some remedies that can help relieve unpleasant earache and concomitant symptoms such as deafness or tinnitus. In order for the preparations to act accordingly, it is important for otitis media acuta to be used as early as possible.

Are drafts or cold wind the cause of the discomfort and the aching ear is reddened and overheated, is especially Aconitum (D6) in question. Belladonna may be the drug of choice when excessive sweating and fever coexist with the stinging pain. Chamomilla (D6) has a positive effect on children, especially when the pain is better with heat or with cool drinks.

A lemon balm tea can help to get rid of annoying ear noises. (Image: Maya Kruchancova /

Roses and melissa against ear noises

In the case of ear inflammation, in addition to the stinging, pulsating pain, unpleasant ear noises, such as, for example, occur frequently. a whistling, ringing, roaring or roaring.

An edition of roses and wormwood can help here.

For this you need:

  • a clove of garlic
  • 20 grams of rose petals
  • 10 grams of vermouth leaves
  • 30 grams of bran

The garlic is peeled and crushed, crushing the leaves in a mortar. Mix everything together with the bran into a porridge and wrap a small amount of it in a linen or cotton cloth every evening. Put the package on the aching ear and leave it there overnight.

Also, a balm infusion is considered an effective home remedy for earache and noise in the ear, because the flowers contain essential oils that have a calming and tonifying effect.

How to prepare the tea:

  1. Boil a liter of water
  2. Pour 60 grams of lemon balm with it
  3. Mix well and let soak for ten minutes
  4. Then strain and drink a cup three times a day after a meal

Cantharidenpflaster for the discharge of toxins

For pain relief is suitable in an inflammation of the ear, a so-called "Cantharidenpflaster". This is a special plaster from the pharmacy, which is coated with an extract of the dried and powdered ground beetle species "Spanish fly". The application is one of the "diversion methods" and has a very strong skin irritant effect.

The poison Cantharidin contained in the paste causes combustion and stimulates blood circulation. A few hours after applying the patch to the bone behind the ear, a blister is formed, which is gently pricked to allow the fluid to drain. In this way, the toxins are discharged from the body, at the same time the body's defense is stimulated by the artificially produced inflammation.

Note on the use of home remedies for otitis media

The home remedies mentioned are to be regarded as natural help, but in no way replace a medical diagnosis or treatment. Also in natural medicine, the use of analgesics is considered very helpful against the severe pain of acute middle ear infection.

Critics give (rightly) to consider that the inflammation takes place in the middle ear, the alternative remedies but would act from the outside to the ear and thus not reach the place of the actual inflammation. Experience reports, however, show that the methods and means described can have a healing and alleviating effect on the environment of the painful place and have proven themselves in many cases. (tf, nr, vb; updated 02.02.2018)