Home remedies for Candida

Home remedies for Candida / diabetes
The term candida is usually meant Candida albicans. This is a yeast fungus, which settles mainly on mucous membranes, such as the mouth and throat, in the genital area, and preferably in the intestine. As a rule, the fungus is not a health problem as long as it does not get out of hand. However, if the body is in an imbalance, the fungus can spread massively and cause a variety of problems.

Such Candida colonization usually requires treatment. For this, various conventional medical drugs are on the market. Naturopathic practice also has a portfolio of effective therapies for the control of yeast. Home remedies for Candida can be used in mild forms as well as additional support of conventional medical treatment for more severe fungal infections.


  • Home remedies from the kitchen
  • Tea blends against Candida
  • Aloe vera and colostrum
  • Naturopathic practice in fungal infections
  • Anti-fungal Diet
  • Candida - the way to the doctor
  • Causes of Candida
  • symptoms

Home remedies from the kitchen

Various home remedies that can help with a candida disease are available in almost every kitchen and are also easy to use.

The yeast Candida albicans can cause unpleasant fungal infections in the genital area. (Image: Kateryna_Kon / fotolia.com)

Garlic enriches many meals, has a positive effect on blood pressure and blood flow, contributes to a healthy cholesterol level and also has an antifungal effect. The best solution is the raw form of the tuber. Those who take blood-thinning medication or suffer from hypotension (low blood pressure), should keep away from garlic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a well-known home remedy. It stimulates the metabolism and protects against hyperacidity. At the same time it positively supports the balance of the intestinal flora, so that the yeast fungus can not settle and multiply so easily.

The pomegranate is known to help menopausal women and to have a beneficial effect on the vessels. But also in connection with Candida he has his reason to exist. This particular apple contains punicalagin. This is a tanning agent that can have a positive effect on the elimination of the yeast fungus.

coconut oil
Coconut oil is now on everyone's lips. So this is a suitable means by which the "oil pulling" can be carried out. It is for a few minutes a teaspoon or tablespoon full of oil in the mouth pressed through the teeth, rinsed back and forth, may also gargling with it and then spit out the whole thing necessarily. The resulting pale yellow mass contains many germs that have no place in the mouth.

This method protects against infections of the oral mucosa, against colds, tooth decay, but also against Candida. The effect can be supported by the addition of a tiny drop of pure high quality cinnamon oil. The coconut oil is also suitable for internal use. Two to three tea or tablespoons daily, germicidal and therefore antifungal.

Soda - careful
Sodium is recommended over and over again as a home remedy for Candida. Nevertheless, the right intake should be discussed in advance with a therapist, since sodium may cause unpleasant side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Cinnamon is often used in the kitchen, especially during the Christmas season. Cinnamon helps with gastrointestinal complaints, has antiviral, antibacterial and antimycotic. This spice is used in high doses in capsule form to normalize the sugar metabolism, but is also helpful in candida. Cinnamon bark is added to the meals. The intake of capsules should be discussed with a therapist.

Cinnamon is the dried bark of cinnamon trees. As an addition to the food, the spice can work against the yeast fungus. (Image: Floydine / fotolia.com)

Lactic acid bacteria
Lactic acid bacteria have a positive effect on the intestinal flora. If enough of these bacteria are present in the gut, this can keep intruders such as the candida fungus in check. Lactic acid bacteria are present in yoghurt, sour milk, buttermilk and quark. When buying, make sure that the products are "natural" and contain dextrorotatory (L +) lactic acid. This form also occurs in the human body and is thus easier to digest.

Lactic acid bacteria are also present in fresh raw sauerkraut, which is best to get in the health food store. But at home, fermented vegetables, such as carrots or cabbage, can also be made by hand.

Kefir is not recommended because it contains yeast that is contraindicated in Candida.

Lactic acid bacteria, in concentrated form, are available at the pharmacy. These are important for a colon cleansing, but this should be done under the guidance of a doctor or alternative practitioner.

Tea blends against Candida

A very simple home remedy for Candida is a tea blend consisting of anise, fennel, cumin and coriander. The seeds are easily triggered (in the pharmacy or in the mortar at home) and mixed in equal parts. One teaspoon of the mixture is poured over one-quarter liter of boiling water and then has to be drawn for about seven to ten minutes. This is a tasty tea that smells like fresh bread, has a very relaxing effect on the intestines and positively influences the intestinal flora.

Stinging nettle and horsetail, mixed in equal proportions, give a base tea, which is also recommended. Again, a teaspoon is needed for 250 milliliters of boiling water. The brewing time is five to seven minutes.

In Candida infestation in the mouth, rinsing with a sage tea helps several times a day.

In case of candida infection in the mouth and throat, gargling with sage tea can help. (Image: gudrun / fotolia.com)

Aloe vera and colostrum

The aloe vera plant is said to have a wide range of applications. It can also be used for Candida infestation. It is important to pay attention to the quality and purity of the aloe vera juice.

A recommended remedy is also the (cow) colostrum. This is the first milk of the cow after the birth of a calf. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and many immune factors. All in all a small immune system. Excess colostrum, which the calf does not need, is processed further for humans. In capsule form, or even liquid, this can be added daily. Its main site of action is the intestine. Here Colostrum ensures a healthy environment. With Candida, this is a good way to stop this intruder.

Naturopathic practice in fungal infections

Although colloidal silver, neem tree oil, oregano oil, olive leaf extract and nasturtium are not home remedies, they are often used in natural healing for the treatment of candida. The remedies are not suitable for unauthorized use, but should be prescribed in the context of a therapy by naturopaths. Furthermore, in a naturopathic treatment of Candia a colon cleansing is performed. The intestine is "cleaned" by suitable means and then the intestinal flora is rebuilt step by step. This is often done with pro (live microorganisms for the intestine) and prebiotics (food for the "good" intestinal bacteria).

Anti-fungal Diet

The anti-fungal diet is the basis to fight the candida. Any traditional medicine or naturopathic treatment contains behavioral rules regarding nutrition. However, these are quite different. New knowledge and opinions change the requirements regarding the required diet. For example, some reject fruit strictly, while others see it as less severe. Also, the expression of Candida infestation is decisive for how the diet should fail. This is followed by a diet proposal that may well be different from others.

Sugar is absolutely to be avoided. These include sweets, spreads, sweetened drinks, cakes and other sweetened foods. Alcohol is also not allowed. A base-rich food is absolutely in the foreground: lots of vegetables - little animal. Dairy products, except for kefir, are recommended. Apart from pork, sausage and meat are allowed, but preferably in small quantities. Vegetables should not be eaten raw, but blanched. Salad is suitable, but in the first week of diet only a piece of fruit a day. Then it will be increased, week by week.

The carbohydrates meet a wide variety of opinions. Often the white flour is completely banished from the diet. However, those who have only eaten white flour and then suddenly want to eat whole grains will not do so well. An alternative is bread made from finely ground spelled flour, also like mixed with rye. However, all carbohydrates, which include rice, potatoes, pasta and bread, should only be eaten in small quantities. Exploding is to be avoided and, above all, everything that contains yeast.

If the yeast fungus has proliferated excessively in or on the body, sugar should be avoided in any form. (Image: Rafinade / fotolia.com)

It is important to provide adequate hydration in the form of still water. Tea and coffee without sugar is allowed.

Candida - the way to the doctor

In case of massive Candida infestation, especially if the mouth or the genital area are affected, the doctor must be consulted. Especially as far as the vaginal fungus is concerned, it is absolutely essential to look at self-sufficient applications, such as a teapot with tea tree oil.

Causes of Candida

Predisposing is an inadequate diet rich in sugar and carbohydrates, taking antibiotics, cortisone, and immunosuppressants and chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, and cancer. Too much alcohol and nicotine, massive stress and pollution can cause the emergence of Candida.


The symptoms of Candida infection are highly dependent on its location. A corresponding infestation in the mouth is called thrush and extremely with a furry feeling, a burning mouth and reddened oral mucous membrane, on which are small white specks. In a vaginal fungus sufferers from burning, itchy itching, swelling and vaginal discharge.

If the intestine is affected by the Candida infestation, which is most common, there are no typical symptoms. Diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, bloating, tiredness, headache, food intolerances, frequent infections and much more are possible. (sw, nr, updated on 6.9.2017)