blood vessels

blood vessels /
The blood vessels form a kind of tube system in our body and serve to transport the blood, whereby they can be distinguished by their function in different types. Thus, fresh blood is pumped from the heart into the so-called main artery (aorta), then into the arteries (arteries) and arterioles (small arteries) and from there into the so-called capillaries (capillaries). Thereafter, the now low-oxygen blood flows back through the venules (small veins), veins (blood vessels) and vena cava back to the heart. Together with the heart, the blood vessels form the bloodstream.

The circulatory system works only as long as there are no damage or injury to the blood vessels. Although minor impairments of the blood vessels can usually be compensated by the body, larger injuries to the blood vessels quickly threaten life-threatening complications. For example, a rupture of the aorta is a medical emergency, which often leads to the death of those affected. Also thrombosis (closure of the blood vessels by a blood clot) can quickly become life-threatening. The same applies to injuries to the blood vessels - and corresponding bleeding - in the brain. If arteries are injured in the course of an accident, this is usually associated with heavy bleeding and the loss of blood can quickly become a deadly danger.

In addition to the acute impairments of the blood vessels and chronic diseases are possible, such as so-called varicose veins, arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) or peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). The range of possible diseases of the blood vessels is extremely diverse and correspondingly different are the threatening health problems. Not infrequently, however, there is a significant health risk, which is why in case of suspected urgent medical attention should be claimed. Occasionally, surgical intervention may be required after diagnosis, with many surgeries on the blood vessels already being routine in vascular surgery today. (Fp)

Blood vessels, veins & veins

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