Blood money movie about the big drug scandal

Blood money movie about the big drug scandal / Health News

TV drama about blood scandal


In the 1980s, it came to one of the biggest medical scandals in the Federal Republic. Bleeders were infected with contaminated plasma with HIV. Today, ZDF broadcasts a TV movie on the subject.

AIDS spread in the 80s
When the immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS, triggered by the HIV virus, spread more and more in the early 1980s, the opinion was still widespread that only homosexuals, prostitutes and drug addicts were affected. But even then, dedicated doctors warned that even blood products could be HIV-contaminated. It was doomed to many hailers that the warnings were ignored.

In the case of hemophiliacs, wounds do not heal or very badly
For patients with haemophilia, the term for the hemophilia, life expectancy was low until the early 1970s. In this blood clotting disorder wounds do not heal or only very badly. In addition, it can lead to persistent bleeding in injuries or even without visible wounds, mainly in muscles and joints. When Factor VIII supplements came on the market, they made it possible for many sufferers to lead a largely normal life, as the drug allowed the blood to clot again.

Aids danger was known
The preparations were obtained from human blood, including homosexual or drug-addicted donors. Much of the blood was not only contaminated with the HI virus but also with dangerous hepatitis C viruses. But although the AIDS danger was well known, the pharmaceutical industry and health authorities decided not to take the drug off the market.

Concerned did not have a lobby
As a result, the pharmaceutical industry, for reasons of pure profit, accepted the fact that hemophiliacs were suffering from AIDS. More than 1,500 hemophiliacs have been infected and more than 1,000 have died of AIDS. The director of the TV movie „blood money“, René Heisig, himself a doctor, tries to explain how it could happen that the victims did not defend themselves: „They had no lobby. In addition, they were difficult to get reliable information, the Internet did not yet exist. And: AIDS adhered to a nasty pleasure epidemic image. There was also a lot of shame and fear in the game.“

Pharmaceutical industry has exploited situation brutally
He continues: „The victims felt like perpetrators.“ In addition, those affected have been socially excluded and discriminated against. Besides, they did not have much time. „The pharmaceutical industry has insisted that the problem be solved quickly by itself“, says Heisig. Those affected could hardly hope for a positive outcome of a lengthy process because they died. „Besides, they were in the burden of proof. The pharmaceutical industry exploited the fact that it was almost impossible to name an exact date of contagion, let alone a polluter“, so the director.

Foundation for the victims
The investigation of the case came only in 1993 rolling. A committee of inquiry found in 1994 that the use of blood products „unjustifiably“ has been. The then President of the Federal Health Office (BGA) was dismissed. Since 1995, when the „Humanitarian Aid for blood-infected people“ was founded, the victims receive little financial help. Thus, every HIV-infected person receives 767 euros a month, people suffering from AIDS 1534 euros, and surviving wives receive a third of them for five years. And children of sufferers received up to the age of 25 512 € per month.

TV movie on Monday
The financial resources for this are being raised by the industry, the federal government and the federal states. The Ministry of Health has had to replenish its budget two years ago, and in 2017 the fund will be empty again. No compensation payments have been made so far for the hepatitis victims. ZDF is broadcasting the TV movie „blood money“ tomorrow at 20.15 clock from. (Ad)

Picture: Andrea Damm