Remove blood stains - sofa, jeans, carpet The best home remedies

Remove blood stains - sofa, jeans, carpet The best home remedies /
Whether in jeans, carpet, upholstery or sofa: removing blood stains can work with home remedies
Who has not happened yet? They get a minor injury and the blood soils the clothes. Anyone who has children knows how often this happens. Clothing, bed linen, but also furniture or shoes are affected. The following sections will tell you which home remedies help with the removal of fresh, but also dried and old blood spots.


  • Always take cold water
  • Fresh blood stains
  • Washing powder, liquid soap, shampoo
  • Gallseife
  • salt
  • Ammonia, diluted with water
  • lemon juice
  • Salt and lemon juice
  • aspirin
  • Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 3%
  • Enzyme spray from the animal trade
  • Soda, baking powder, cornflour on sensitive materials
  • Alcohol or alcohol in non-leachable fabrics
  • Blood on upholstery, mattresses and carpets
  • Blood on leather
  • Special detergent

Always take cold water

By heat, protein is fixed and so is blood. The blood protein coagulates with hot water when the water is above 50 ° C. Therefore always the note: always work blood stains with cold water. The subsequent washing in the washing machine should only be carried out at 30 ° C or 40 ° C.

Blood stains can usually be eliminated well with home remedies, however, the funds should be selected depending on the contaminated material. (Image: gamelover /

Fresh blood stains

The faster blood stains are processed, the easier they can be removed. But, as a rule, it is important to first provide for the injury and then only the clothing. Until then, the stains are often already dried.

If the blood spots are still quite fresh, cold water is usually enough to remove them. Instead of water, an ice cube, which is rubbed several times over the stain, can also serve well. When you're out and about, sparkling mineral water is enough to make it even better, as the carbon dioxide makes the blood more efficient. Thereafter, the garment is washed as usual in the washing machine.

Ideally, the soiled laundry is soaked in cold water for a few hours immediately after the contamination and then washed in the washing machine. However, if some time has passed, the protein content of the blood connects to the tissue and then home remedies are needed to dissolve the stain. It is very important to which substance this is. So silk is treated differently than white cotton. The home remedies are best tested before use in an invisible place, so that not unpleasant surprises happen like: "The stain is gone - the fabric but broken."

Washing powder, liquid soap, shampoo

For dried blood stains, cold water is used together with washing powder or liquid washing powder. The washing powder solution is rubbed gently into the stain and should then act for at least one hour. Larger stains, or larger items of laundry, such as sheets, are best soaked in the bath. Instead of washing powder, liquid soap or shampoo can also be used. After the soaking process, the washing powder is washed out and the clothes are packed in the machine.


Gall soap is an ancient home remedy and actually belongs in every household. This special soap, which consists of core soap and bovine bile, is used in a wide variety of stains and often works wonders. It is available as a soap bar, as a spray or in liquid form. On the go, a gallstone stain remover is quite handy. Even if this is a natural home remedy - not every fabric and every color goes well with it. If the garment is suitable, the blood stain is treated with gall soap, removed with clear, cold water after a period of approximately ten minutes and, if possible, washed in the washing machine.

The list of possible home remedies for bloodstains ranges from gall soap, salt, baking soda and lemon juice to hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and alcohol. (Image: artursfoto /


Salt is a home remedy best suited for removing stains. From a little salt and cold water, a porridge is stirred and thus treated the affected area.

Ammonia, diluted with water

Instead of salt, ammonia, diluted 1:10 with water, can eliminate blood spots. The prepared solution is applied, rinsed after one hour with clear, cold water and then washed in the machine.

lemon juice

Lemon juice is especially suitable for smaller stains. This does not necessarily have the juice of a fresh lemon, but may also be ready lemon juice. First, this should act a little and is then washed out with clear, cold water. But beware - not every tissue tolerates lemon juice!

Salt and lemon juice

A mixture of salt and lemon juice works twice as well, but maybe twice as "spicy". Salt and lemon juice make a paste that is applied to the stain and should work for about half an hour. Thereafter, the laundry is rinsed and washed in the washing machine.


Aspirin is not only an analgesic, but can also serve as a simple home remedy for stain removal. For example, in the case of a blood stain, a tablet is mixed with a little water to a pulp, covering the polluted area with it. After about fifteen minutes of exposure wash the whole thing off and into the washing machine.

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 3%

The hydrogen peroxide is available in the pharmacy and can remove blood stains, especially from cotton, well. With a pipette, this is spotted on the spot, washed with cold water and then packed in the washing machine.

Enzyme spray from the animal trade

For example, if a cat in the apartment marked his territory, so helps the special enzyme spray. As the name implies, this spray breaks down by the enzymes contained in it, proteins and this can also be helpful in removing blood stains. Especially for carpets and upholstery this is a helpful option.

Soda, baking powder, cornflour on sensitive materials

Soda, baking powder and cornstarch are home remedies that have good results, especially with sensitive materials such as wool and silk. A mixture of soda / baking powder / cornstarch is mixed with a little water and gently, possibly with the help of an old toothbrush, massaged into the fabric. After a quarter of an hour, the porridge is dabbed with a kitchen crepe and then the garment is completely washed in clear, cold water.

Alcohol or alcohol in non-leachable fabrics

Alcohol or alcohol are used if the soiled substances can not be washed. Or even with all sensitive tissues, such as silk, this is a possible home remedy. A cotton cloth is soaked with a little alcohol (90% alcohol is available in the pharmacy) or alcohol and thus tries to remove the stain by dabbing. But beware - not every substance tolerates this.

If the beloved cuddly toy is soiled, after the treatment with the alcohol a cotton cloth is soaked in cold water and the alcohol is dabbed. Then a kitchen crepe absorbs the water again.

If the wallpaper got blood spatter, these are best removed with alcohol.

Blood on upholstery, mattresses and carpets

First, the blood spot is pretreated with a damp cloth, then the water is sucked up again with a kitchen towel. If this does not help, a slurry of washing powder and water may be effective. The thick porridge is applied to the spot pretreated with a little cold water with a sponge and then removed again with a little water after one hour. The carpet cleaner can replace the detergent.

Somewhat milder is the use of potato starch, which is mixed with a little water, applied to the blood stain and left there until the water is dried. Then the stain is brushed.

When removing blood stains on leather, special care must be taken so that the material is not damaged. (Image: cunaplus /

Blood on leather

Care should be taken with blood stains on leather to avoid damage to the leather. For this, distilled water is mixed with a little neutral soap and filled into a spray bottle. This is used to spray the stain and repeatedly blot the dissolved blood with a dry cotton cloth until the stain is completely gone.

Another home remedy is a self-mixed paste consisting of two parts of lemon juice and one part of tartaric acid. This mixture is placed on the stain and dabbed after about ten minutes with a dry, clean cotton cloth and then treated with a little clear water.

For the removal of blood spots from suede the already mentioned variant with the aspirin tablet is recommended. This is mixed with some cold water to a porridge and then rubbed very carefully with an old toothbrush into the stain, the whole after a few minutes with a clean cloth removed, sprayed with cold water and dabbed dry with a cloth.

Special detergent

Do not help all the home remedies already mentioned, so get yourself a special detergent. The drugstores carry small bottles of very special detergent for every imaginable spot. Again, the sensitivity of the textiles is important. (Sw)