
avocado /
Avocados are a versatile, extremely healthy fruit that is also enjoying growing popularity in Germany. Especially for the preparation of sauces, guacamole and spread the fruit is often used. Avocados contain many vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids and they
have been shown to help lower cholesterol levels. They also have a positive influence on blood formation. There is a certain risk associated with the preparation, however, as cutting injuries during removal of the core are relatively common. Medical professionals have already formed a unique term for this: avocado hand. (Fp)

Medziner: "avocado hand": Popular green fruit with often unknown health risk

As cores become cored, more and more patients injure themselves. Scald with hot water, slip on a freshly washed soil or scratch their fingers.
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/mediziner-verletzung-avocado-hand-belieb-gruenfrucht-mit-unbekanntem-gesundheitsrisiko-20170512276879" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Doctors: Avocado Hand: Not only are they healthy, they also have risks

When slicing an avocado, many people injure their hands to douse themselves in the kitchen with hot water or to slip on wiped ground - the ...
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/aerzte-klinische-avocado-hand-sie-sind-nicht-nur-gesund-sondern-birgen-auch-risiko-20170511276836" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Popular superfruit: why avocados are so extremely healthy

Salads, Drinks, Desserts: The Avocado is a healthy all-rounder The avocado is a true all-rounder: It is suitable for preparing salads, dips and ...
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/beliebt-superfrucht-warum-avocados-so-extrem-gesund-sind-20170503274882" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Bacteria and Pesticides: This avocado bug almost always happens

Why Avocados Should Be Washed A few years ago, many people knew avocados only from holidays in distant lands. But today ...
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/bakterien-und-pestizide-this-avocado-fehler-passiert-fast-immer-20170319222777" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal">