Avoid avocado hands department store now sells avocado without stone

Avoid avocado hands department store now sells avocado without stone / Health News

No more cutting injuries: thanks to the avocado without stone

Although avocados are considered to be extremely healthy, many people injure themselves when cutting and coring the fruit. The "cocktail avocado" could be the solution. This is now offered in a British department store. It is a fruit that contains no stone.

The avocado is an all-rounder

Only a few years ago, many Germans only knew avocados from their holidays. But now the delicious fruit can be found in almost all supermarkets. In this country, it is usually used as a dip, for example in the form of guacamole or as a bread covering. But the healthy superfood can do a lot more: avocados are suitable for salads and soups, they can be baked in the oven and serve as the basis for seductive desserts and delicious drinks. The fruits are very healthy, but when cut and cored many people are injured. For this problem, there is now a solution: The avocado without core.

Some people injure themselves when cutting and pitting avocados. The "cocktail avocado" can now exclude this risk of injury: the fruit does not contain a nucleus. (Image: nata_vkusidey / fotolia.com)

Delicious and healthy fruits

Avocados are often seen as extremely low-fat calorie bombs, which is why many avoid the tasty fruits. However, the unsaturated fatty acids that the body can not produce itself can even help you lose weight.

According to experts, the enzyme lipase, which controls the burning of fat during digestion and in adipose tissue, plays a role in particular.

In addition, the fruits contain minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron as well as vitamins B, E and K and provitamin A..

According to scientific research, avocados can help lower cholesterol levels and are good for hematopoiesis.

In addition, thanks to the potassium they contain, they are an important contribution to a healthy heart.

Wash avocados before preparing

Before preparing the fruits, they should always be cleaned with cold or lukewarm water and lightly scrubbed.

Because on the hubby shell of the fruit bumble bacteria and pesticides, which can reach when cutting with a knife in the pulp.

But there is another threat to health: Cutting and coring would "more and more people injure themselves acutely," as the vice president of the British Society of Hand Surgery, Simon Eccles, told The Times.

Such injuries are therefore referred to in the clinic as "avocado hand".

The physician pleaded for "clear warnings" to reduce the injuries.

Reduce the risk of injury

The British department store Marks & Spencer (M & S) now has another idea to eliminate the risk of such injuries.

The company is currently selling the "cocktail avocado", a fruit without stone that can be eaten whole, as even the smooth skin is edible.

The five to eight centimeters long fruit has an elongated shape and is similar in appearance to a zucchini. It is grown in Spain and is only available in December.

According to M & S, stony avocados are usually only sold at top Parisian restaurants. However, the British department store has now managed to organize a limited supply.

"This amazing fruit has been on our radar for a few years and we are very pleased to finally have some that our customers can try," said Charlotte Curtis of M & S to the newspaper "The Guardian".

Superfood with bad ecological balance

According to the newspaper, the seedless avocado is the latest attempt to meet the growing global demand for fruit. This boom is also associated with significant disadvantages for the environment, because the fruits need a lot of water.

Researchers at the University of Twente in Enschede in the Netherlands have calculated in a scientific paper that nearly 2,000 liters of water are needed to produce one kilogram of avocados.

In growing countries where drinking water is scarce, production can have drastic consequences.

Environmentalists also criticize that avocados put back long transport routes until they land in our supermarket. Therefore, for example, the Vegetarian Federation Germany (VEBU) advises to pay attention to organic quality and origin when purchasing. (Ad)